Unanswered Questions

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I turned to follow the Doctor, I walked with my head down. Maybe he wasn't as into me as I was into him. I let out a small sigh as my feet shuffled though the snow. I felt eyes on me, he was looking. Too bad I didn't care.

Suddenly I bumped into him. His fingers drew my chin up so I was looking at him. He had the most beautiful, deep brown eyes. They were soft but, they also looked sad. The corners of his mouth were pinched tight into a line.

"Rose Tyler..." He spoke softly, caressing my face with his other hand. I gave him a small soft smile. "You are extraordinary. Brilliantly....extraordinary." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Doctor?" He raised an eyebrow slightly, "Yes love?" Suddenly my question was gone. Maybe I shouldn't ask him. I had the longing to, the thirst for knowledge but, my courage had left me. I locked my eyes on his. I had a right to know.

The Man In A Blue Box (Rose Tyler and Tenth Doctor Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now