A Penny For Your Thoughts (Harry Styles AU Oneshot)

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This is a Harry Styles one shot and I hope you like it :) I tried to get Harry as realistic as possible!!

Sorry if there are a lot of spelling and grammar errors!

16k+ words

Harry's POV:

The blinding flashes of paparazzi greets me as I step out of Kendall's hotel. I try to keep a neutral face while I squeeze through the screaming fans. I love them, I honestly do. But I just need to be alone and away from everything at the moment.

"Harry! Are you dating Kendall Jenner?" I hear a voice yell over the screams of people.

"Harry, is it true you slept with Kendall?"

"Are you getting back together with Taylor Swift?"

I stumble, tripping on people's feet. I can feel someone tug on my coat, causing me to be pulled back before they lose their grip. It not that I didn't know they would be outside. And it's not like I didn't know New York fans are pretty crazy.

I quickly reach my car, parked at the corner of the block. They followed me till the moment I slammed my door shut. Some fans were pressed up against the windows as I started up the car. It roared to light and the headlights turned on. The people in front at the hood of my car moved away and I stepped on the pedal slowly, making sure to not hit anyone. Cameras flashed around the car, and I'm sure this would turn up on a gossip website or something. Inside the car, the screams and talking were less audible. I laughed to myself at the thought.

My Audi makes things less audible.

Gonna' have to make a tweet or something about that. I note myself. I could still hear the paparazzi and fans from behind when the red light ahead turns green. I slowly drive down the right lane, the neon signs and street lights changing colors and flashing in the cold night. As I pull to a stop, I quickly turn on the heat and turn up the radio. Ed's song, The A Team, was currently playing and I could just imagine the shy smile on his face when I asked him why he wrote the song. The thought of the memory got me to smile to myself. By the time, the song ends, the lights turns green and I'm stepping on the pedal, getting the car to move forward.

Burn by Elli Goulding starts to play and another memory of Niall dancing to this song causes me to chuckle at his silliness. I missed the boys. Especially Louis, wonder what he's been up to.

I finally turn the steering wheel right and slowly drive through the night. I had no idea where I was going. Definitely not the pub; I didn't need some picture of my drunk self on tabloids in the morning. I sigh, making a left turn whenever I could. Maybe I'll just get lost in New York till I run out of gasoline. The city was still alive and bright at 9:12 PM.

Before I know it, I find a parking spot outside a small bakery called Tina's. The street was parked with cars but the sidewalk was almost, almost completely empty. The shop looked old fashioned yet somewhat hipster, with a tiny bell and a decorative lamp post at the door. It was definitely something I would take a picture of and post on Instagram.


Rather not at the moment though. I don't need any fans recognizing the shop and coming here. But I take a picture of it anyways and save it onto my camera roll before taking 3 large strides to the door. I quickly remember to lock the car and put the keys back into my pocket. I push the small pedal at the handle down and pull the door open. The smell of sugar, chocolate and soapy water fills my nose and the little bell jingles.

"We're not open!" I hear someone shout. My eyes wander over the small shop. Glass display counters are lined up in the front, empty of course, and the few tables have chairs flipped on top. The pink walls and beige ceilings with floral designs give a homey feeling.

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