chapter 34

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During the car ride Home back to the house Finn is silent once they get inside the house Finn goes straight to the master bedroom setting up Rachel's hot bubble bath. Rachel leans against the bathroom door and watches her husband's movements he hadn't said anything in 45 minutes.

"Will you say something..the fact that you're extremely quiet is freaking me out. Radioactive was on the radio and you didn't even sing it that's you car jam."Rachel explodes.

"You shouldn't have quit the show."Finn bluntly says.

"Excuse me.."Rachel asked

"You shouldn't have quitting just allowed Craig to win. You shouldn't have done that."Finn turns to her.

"And what would you have prefer I did Finn? Worked with someone who constantly hit on me?..."Rachel yells placing her hands on her hips.

"You ignore him and do the job you have dreamed of having since you a baby."Finn yells back at her.

"And you would have been okay with him and I working closely together? Yeah right Finn I know you, you would have punched him, HELL YOU ALMOST DID BACK THERE"Rachel says

"I wasn't going to punch him, yes I wanted to but that was only because of that smart ass remark he made about trying to sleep with you. But that doesn't mean you had to quit Rachel!"Finn yells

"It's my decision Finn, there will be other musicals other opportunities to be a star! Why are you so upset about this?"Rachel asked

"Because you quit this show because of me! And I don't want you to hate me later on in life because this show could have been your ticket to a Tony Award."Finn slams his hand on the side of the tub.

"I need to take a walk, the bath is ready for you."Finn begins to stand up.

"Finn don't walk out you do it every time we have a fight please just stay."Rachel tries to calm him down.

'I need to walk away so I dont say something stupid and make this worse okay...Just take your bath I'll be back."Finn walks past her Rachel sighs and sits on the edge of the tub.

Finn walks to the Local Bar and sees Puck and Sebastian drinking their troubles away with a Bottle of Bourbon.

"It's 3:30 in the afternoon a little early to be drinking don't you guys think."Finn says

"Kurt dumped your brother."Puck blurts out. Finn's eyes widen.

"What...why what happened."Finn asked taking the stool beside Sebastian.

"He said things were too hard he didn't want me to end up hating him because I chose him over my family so he broke it off."Sebastian slurs

"Im sorry man.."Finn shakes his head

"Sea Bass was going to propose."Puck adds Sebastian places the box in front of Finn and Finn whistles

"Man...I can't believe it."Finn looks at his friend with sad eyes.

"What do I do.."Sebastian asked

"I know my brother. If he's the one that ended things then he's going to be the one to step back and avoid you. Remember when Blaine cheated on him? He was so heart broken he went and moved to India for a year to do volunteer work."Finn says

"So what I just let him disappear from my life?"Sebastian asked

"You fix whatever Kurt is telling you to fix starting with your family relationship."Finn adds.

"I hate my father why would I want to fix things with him."Sebastian shakes his head.

"Because he's your father."Finn pats him on the back

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