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“Life can be like a roller coaster…  And just when you think you’ve had enough, and your ready to get off the ride and take the calm, easy merry go-round…  You change your mind, throw your hands in the air and ride the roller coaster again.  That’s exhilaration… that’s living a bit in the edge…that’s being alive.”                  ~Stacey Charter  


          Dodging the closed fist the drunken man sent his way, Nicolai Clemens knew he had to take the man down before he or anyone else got hurt.  And that was even before he noticed the small crowd that was now forming around them.  Didn’t these people know he could easily turn his rage against any of them?  Didn’t they know it was dangerous to stand so close?

          “Stay still Damn it.” Nicolai ordered the drunk who doubled over himself and tried to charge at him like a bull who’d seen the color red.

          Sidestepping to the left the moment he was near, Nicolai took the man’s arm and quickly turned it around, bringing it against the drunken mans back, making the man yell out in pain as he straighten in his pose. 

          “Are you going to stop now?” Nicolai asked, while taking deep breaths.

          “No.” the drunken man hissed, taking his leg and trying to stomp it on Nicolai’s foot.

          Jumping on to the man’s back in hopes he could save his legs from being trampled by the bear of a man, Nicolai fought for control as the man’s attack turned unpredictable, unstable, swinging Nicolai from side to side on his back, desperately trying to throw him off him.  

          “Nicolai, stop playing games with the man.” He heard someone in the crowd call out.

          “Do I look like I’m playing games you Ass?  Help me!” Nicolai breathed out, placing his arm around the man’s throat and making pressure.

          “He’s going to kill him.” People in the crowd began to scream, as Nicolai began to make more pressure against the man’s neck.

          Nicolai, who was just about to tell the onlookers he was only trying to put the man to sleep, fell silent when the drunk had him thrown over his head and land on top of a wooden table.  Having all the air escape his lungs at the pain he felt at once, Nicolai found he couldn’t move an inch, watching from his position on the table the man slowly approach him.    Knowing he had to do something and do something fast, Nicolai stretched his left hand in hopes of finding something he could use as a weapon.

          The moment his hands made contact and closed around a wooden chair, Nicolai somehow found the strength to bring it up and around over his head the exact moment the man jumped at him.  The wooden chair breaking into a hundred little pieces as it made contact with the side of the drunken man’s head.  Feeling what little oxygen he had left escape his pained body as the weight of the unconscious man fell on his chest, Nicolai felt tears rush to his eyes as he struggle for air.

          “Get him off. Get him off.” Nicolai yelled out to no one, to everyone, making the people on the crowd finally push forward to help him, taking the unconscious man away and placing him on the floor, while two other security guards quickly placed the plastic hand cuffs on before making the drunken man stand.

          “You did good Cuz.  Took you a while but you did good.” A tall brown haired man praised, coming to help Nicolai up from the table.  “I didn’t think you had in you.” 

TAKE THIS COWGIRL HOME (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now