"I know, you've said that a million times, but I don't care. Life is unfair, what's new? What wouldn't be fair here is if you won't give yourself a chance. If you won't give us a chance." Luke pleaded.

Now, I don't know what's Sydny is on about or what's going through her mind. But honestly, when I found out that the Nick dude is gone, I was also hoping that things would now be easier for Luke. I mean come on. I'm pretty sure Nick gave her this opportunity cause he, too, can see how Sydny looks at Luke. It's undeniable. If I were him, I'd do the same thing. I mean, why would I stay with someone who I know is completely in love with someone else.

So what is Sydny's problem, I don't know. Personally, I think they're just making it harder for themselves.

"Let's see each other." Luke said. "Please, Sydny. Let's talk about this. I refuse to take no for an answer."


"You know if you say no, I'll still come over. I still have your spare key, remember?"

Wow. I didn't know he kept that spare key. Sydny should have retrieved that when he broke up. What if Luke sells the key to a mugger or something? Not that that's something Luke would do. I'm just saying.

"It's just for a couple of minutes." Luke said. "Okay, maybe an hour... What the hell will I be able to do with 30 mi-- Come on, Sydny."

"These stupid fucking idiots." I muttered to myself, but continued listening in.

Luke groaned. "Fine. But please. Listen to everything that I have to say."

Well I sure hope he prepared for what he's going to say. They just keep on going on and on and on about the same things over and over again. After one problem, here comes another. They are bombarded with chances, and when they're just about to grab them, the universe just takes it away.

It's like playing with the stupid claw machine in the arcade. You insert a penny, hope to get the prize you were hoping for. You press the button, the claw catches the prize. It feels great, like the world is on your side. But as the claw moves, just as it was about to hover over the hole that would bring you the prize, your beloved prize drops. And of course, because you knew that somehow you can have it if only the claw clung tightly, you try again. You bargain every last quarter you have to get that damn prize. Then suddenly, it's too late when you've realized that you got nothing. No quarters and no prize. And that you weren't olaying with the claw, but the claw was playing you.

"Wow," I mutter to myself. "What a metaphor. Way to go, self."

"Alright. I'll be there in 15." I heard Luke say. He's coming towards the door. Shit.

The doorknob turns and the door swung open.



Sydny's POV

"I know, you've said that a million times, but I don't care. Life is unfair, what's new? What wouldn't be fair here is if you won't give yourself a chance. If you won't give us a chance."

"Luke, I can't do this to you." I said. "And don't you think I haven't given us a chance? Don't you think how much I want to give this more than the chances it deserves? I've been killing myself thinking about the same things over and over again. I just want it all to stop. And seeing you, knowing that I lost someone because of needing someone... I don't know."

He was silent for a moment.

This is all hard to explain. Ever since Nick called last night, my mind just went haywire. Yes, I wanted to be with Luke. Yes, I know it would be proving Nick right. And for fuck's sake. He is right. There's no point pretending otherwise. But Nick is more than just a great friend. It was true. I loved him. He became an important part of my life, and obviously losing him wasn't easy.

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