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I died right then and there. Let me tell you something, angels exist. Taylor was breathtaking. I couldn't even get close to describing his perfection.

"Yes?" He asked huskily, raising an eyebrow. Of course the sides of his mouth were raising at the same time.

It was in this moment I realized just exactly what I was doing and where I was. Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone. It was probably childish to hand him a note when I was standing directly in front of him.

So instead, I answered him.


Hey? That's all you could come up with? Mentally, I was screaming at myself, for yet again, letting my nerves get the best of me.

"Hey." A small laugh followed what he said.

Frustrated with myself, I pushed my bangs back and looked at him. "Look, I am sorry."

Taylor seemed a bit taken aback. So, this was the sign I needed to know to continue.

"The $20 I attempted in taking from you..the fact that I even thought of taking it.." I paused to avert my gaze, "That isn't who I am. I know I don't have to prove this to you. But it makes me feel better. So yes, I am sorry."

Taylor seemed to be thinking my words through because he became awfully quiet. After a few moments, he cleared his throat and ran his hand through his wet curls.

"You're my English teacher now, huh?" He smiled, letting out a breath. Suddenly he started walking towards me. My heartbeat picked up. Just as I was questioning the situation though, his arm brushed mine and he was already passing me.

I turned around, raising an eyebrow. I was, in no way, able to tell if he was okay or not okay with my presence. Was this him accepting my apology?

"I'm assuming so." I paused then spoke again, not being able to help myself. "Does this mean you accept my apology?"

He kept walking down the hallway. I guess this was his way of getting me to follow him. Over his shoulder, he said. "Oh Hayley, you're gonna have to do more than apologizing in order for me to give you a fresh, clean slate."

Short update babes. Buttttttt, here you go. ❤😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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