Hello Embarrassment

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I wasn't going to lie, my face was red. I felt so horrible. Hearing his words was like a slap to the face. I wasn't the type of person he was thinking I was.

Before I could protest or even apologize, he spoke up again. "Thanks though, for my wallet. Here," He reached into his back pocket and held out my wallet, "is yours."

At a loss for words, I mumbled a quiet 'thank you', took my wallet and didn't look at him as I quickly put it into my coat pocket.

"No problem. Would you like," He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, "Mal to walk you out the gates?"

"Uh-h," I stuttered, finally meeting his eyes, "No, I'm fine. I can walk myself out, thank you."

He smirked suddenly; his brown eyes glowing. "You sure? 'Cause that fall you took earlier didn't look too pretty." I could hear the amusement in his voice and immediately grew even redder.


"I was nervous," I blurted, trying to not to smile, "Ya know, the lady made sure to make it very clear that I was being watched every step of the way." I grinned a fake grin, earning a laugh from him.

"Understandable." He said.

We both stood there for a few seconds; silence surrounding us. I was looking at him. Admiring his nice features. A wonderful jawline. In fact, I loved his jawline. It was perfect. He had brown eyes, a nice smile, and complimentary eyebrows. Taylor was extremely attractive.

What the heck Hayley! Stop; focus!

I averted my gaze, positive he probably just noticed me checking him out. Not being able to take the silence or another second of pure embarrassment anymore, I cleared my throat. "I'm going to go now. I'm glad I was able to return your wallet."

I gave him a genuine smile and immediately turned around. With the early sunset being the first thing my eyes landed on, I looked at the sky and couldn't help but to smile. Maybe it was possible I just met a new friend.


Short chapter, I know! Only 300 words x.x

Anyways, the picture I've attached to this chapter is indeed a photo of my own. I took it earlier and found it so beautiful. Let's pretend it was the sunset Hayley saw in this chapter after turning around to leave! :D

Hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter will be long. :) <3

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