"Just check the calls ok?" she says with a concerned tone I had yet to hear from her. She walks way her whole posture hunched in worry.

"This is Doctor Wilson from Golden hospital could you put me through to Jessica Richards" the first call I receive has me wondering what is going on.

"Sure" I say transferring the call and glancing over at Jessica's office, not like I could see anything. I couldn't.

A small part of me wanted whatever news the doctor had to be bad. a bigger part of me wished her to be ok. I often wondered if being nice was in my personality trait, if I was born this way or if it was my mothers doing.

After work I rushed out not caring for any last minute projects he had in store for me, no time for free labor. I ran straight to the alley but he wasn't there. I was so frustrated that I decided to head to the park a few blocks from my house. Sometimes it was nice to just be close to nature to feel better.

I was about a block from it when I saw a cop with a man on the ground. My heart skipped a beat worried that it was him. I picked up the phase wanting to assure my self that it wasn't anyone. The cop I recognize, it was the younger cop from the day before.

"Move along ma'am" The young cop says to me as he stands up and drags the man from the ground like a rag doll.  His frame was too large for the cop to have such a good hold on him.

"Let my brother go" I say stepping closer determined to take him home with me. I wasn't going to let him go to jail. I did feel a little frustrated that he would choose to leave and choose a hard life.

"Now now... that's no way to ask for a favor is it?" he asks with a smile lifting on his lips. He wasn't ugly but he didn't have captivating eyes or such a manly frame like the guy I claimed to be my brother.

"Can you please let him go?" I grunt out annoyance laced within each word.

"Try again" he says making a stance and shaking the man whose name i still didn't now.

"Please can you let him go?" I ask this time I was begging trying to show him how desperate I was for him to let him go.

"One condition. You agree and your brother is free" he says holding the key to the hand cuffs up for me to see.

"Fine" I say instantly not needing to think about it. I catch his radiant blue eyes, gilt flashes through before he avoids my eyes.

"One date with me. Tomorrow 7 work for you?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes that's fine..." I say with a frown staring at him.

Why did he want to go on a date with me? What could he possibly gain from that? I wasn't ugly but I was no price. I hope he wasn't expecting to get lucky with me because there was no way in hell I would allow him.

I stepped forward ready to take the mans hand as soon as he was release only for the cop to make his way towards his cop car. I follow quickly asking why but he ignores me as he pushes him in to the back of the car.

"Get in I will give you a ride home" the cops whose name I already forgot is asking me.

"Your not going to like take me to jail too?" I ask as I get in.

"Nop I just want to make sure I know where to pick you up tomorrow" He says confidently.

"I'm not too far" I begin to give him directions.

It doesn't take long for him to take me to the apartment. I try to get out but the door is locked and he chuckles as he runs around to open it for me. I thank him but the whole time I am only thinking about how arrogant his smile is.

"Don't let me catch him wondering around on his own in till he looks respectable" he says as we head up the stairs.  

I feel him grab my hand as we stop at my door and he looks at me in the eyes.

"Or I might have a worst punishment for you" he whispers out before smirking and retreating.

"Lets get in" I say to him feeling dirty. I shuddered hating the way the cop looked at me and annoyed at the deal I had made. But I was glad that I had found him and brought him home.
I was happy that his huge frame ones again filled my tiny apartment, that I didn't feel alone and that I would get another chance at helping him. I was selfish.


Sorry for the late post! I had written it at work during my breaks because my computer works better there! But I had forgotten to send it to my self before leaving for the weekend!!!

Well I hope yall like it!

Through the Dark *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now