"Come on I'll see you the set it's freaking huge in here man."Julian says Finn turns back to Rachel and winks at her Rachel blows him a kiss and walks towards Craig who is setting up the music.

"You ready for this?"Craig asked Rachel nods nervously Craig ques up the music and walks behind Rachel.

"The plot of the musical is the woman is new to the beautiful country of Italy, when you think Italy you think...Romance Sensuality..Sex."Craig whispers Rachel thinks about what he's saying and she nods.

"You have to become who Aria represents, she doesn't represent innocence she represents a being of confidence, toughness, one who is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in a Country she's not familiar with...Now lets move to that beat...follow my lead."Craig says as he places his hands on Rachel's hips.

Julian and Finn are looking around the stage and Finn nods in approval "Dude this set is amazing...Almost life like."Finn touches the backdrop that pictured Italy.

"We have a kick ass designer crew Ill tell you that."Julian says "So did you ask Rachel about Craig.."He asked

"Not this again...I trust her."Finn shrugs.

"You shouldn't trust him Im telling you man he's a brilliant Producer but he's an ass."Julian says

"I know my wife if I tell her that Craig is trying to hit on her she'll get made and think Im just jealous which Im trying not to be, Rachel's lied to me before but she'd never do that again...she promised me..it's in our wedding vows."Finn declares as he walks to the next Prop on the stage.

Kurt is sitting on the Patio and Sebastian walks to him "Hi Hun."Sebastian sits down and kisses his cheek.

"We need to talk..about alot.."Kurt says Sebastian nods

"I Can't be the reason why you and your family have a fall out...I feel too guilty."Kurt says

"My father made this decision to disown me Kurt...we shouldn't suffer because of his ignorance."Sebastian says

"But we are suffering especially you! He Kicked you out of your home, your Job is in jeopardy no client wants to work with you because your father is bad mouthing you...This has to stop."Kurt cries

"No...No Kurt"Sebastian stutters.

"I love you I do...I want there to be an US for the rest of our lives but this is hurting too many people..the bad is out weighing the good...I can't see you suffer this is what is going to happen. It has to."Kurt holds his hands.

"Kurt please..think about this."Sebastian sobs.

"I have thought about it. This is what's best for us."Kurt says getting up and walking into the house. Sebastian closes his eyes and reaches into his pocket he hears footsteps and sees Puck looking at him confused.

"Looks like I've just been dumped."Sebastian says Puck shakes his head.

"It's gonna be okay man..Come on let's get you a drink."Puck helps his friend up Sebastian sighs and opens up the box.

"So what am I suppose to do with this?"Sebastian asked Puck looks down seeing it a solid gold ring. He looks at Sebastian with wide eyes.

"You were going to propose to Kurt?"He asked

"Y-Yeah I was..but he ended things..what do I do now?"Sebastian asked

"Let's get you out of here Man."Puck pats him on the back and leads him to his car.

"What happened to your hand?"Julian asked as he and Finn are playing catch with a small ball.

"I was helping put out a car last night a piece literally tore into my hand."Finn throws the ball..

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