Alternate || Prologue

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          A large, proud lion stood under a single shining lamp post with a child sitting atop his back.   A piece of twine was tied loosely around her neck, an emerald and silver ring hanging from it. The light from the post created a warm circle of yellow on the white ground.  The sparkles of the snow coating the once lush, green ground bounced off one another, creating a lovely light show in the lion's bright brown eyes.  They held so much life in such dark times.

          A timid faun stepped out of the shadows and into the ring of light, his red scarf hanging loosely around his neck. "Aslan, are you sure this is the right thing for this princess, a future ruler of our world?  Wouldn't she be much safer under your protection?"

          "I must send her to a place where Jadis cannot reach her, Tumnus.  The mortal world is one without magic, one that the White Witch will never step foot unto." Aslan quietly explained, making sure to keep his deep, gravely voice low in fear of eavesdroppers for the White Witch. "I do know that she will handle herself quite well whether she is here or in the mortal world.  Her mother was the same way."

          "I am right here, Aslan.  And thank you, I am quite proud to be akin to my mother." the girl spoke, her harmonic voice carrying through the chilling breeze.  Her arms wrapped around her body as she sweetly smiled down to the faun.

          The Faun didn't say another word as he help the child off of Aslan's back.  His hands rested on her shoulders as he looked down at her.  It was becoming hard to say goodbye to a future Queen of Narnia.

          "You are quite marvelous." Tumnus quietly spoke.  He was entranced by the child, she had a strange aura about her, one that made Tumnus feel calm.  Most elves did.  But this child was not all elf, she shared DNA with a fae as well, and possessed powers that no being had.

          "She certainly is." Aslan agreed, "But she must be sent away for her safety.  Digory is waiting."

          At Aslan's words, Tumnus dropped his hands from the darling child's shoulders and scurried away, his eyes blinking fast to stop tears from escaping them.  Aslan lowered his face to the child and nuzzled her small body with his soft mane, a giggle pouring from her lips. "I wish you the best of luck, Princess Aeryn."

          "And I you, Aslan.  Protect my mother's and father's people for me, please."

          "With my life, Aeryn.  Now go, I must prepare Narnia for the harsh times ahead."

          With one final bow of her head, Aeryn looked up to the lamp post and sent a whisper to it, smiling as she felt it spread through Narnia.  The words she sent out echoed in her ears as she stepped towards a cluster of trees, the cluster that hid an entrance to another world.

          Aslan listened for the shuffling of feet on wood instead of the crunching of feet on snow before turning and stalking into the trees, where he would not be seen again by the girl for another century.

Alternate || Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now