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'Jayla get the fuck up!'

The familiar bellowing from my 'dad' echoes around the house. Waking up is always a struggle. It's like the few hours of my life when i'm asleep and i don't have to be afraid just fly by, and before i know it reality kicks in and i shut myself out from the rest of the world

Christmas for most people is the highlight of the year. The time when everyone comes together and is happy. I mean, i wouldn't know what happiness feels like but i'm assuming it's some kind of emotion where people actually care about you and you care about them. Christmas for me is just another day, maybe a bit harder than the rest...

'Jayla, don't make me come up these stairs'

Him again. There would have been a time when i would have been so afraid to hear his voice, id've jumped up and tried my best to pretend i was up . I guess i've just learned over time that in his eyes, in fact in all my family's eyes, i'll never be perfect. I've always been the mistake of the family, the disappointment, the one that everyone forgets about.


Okay, maybe i dragged this one out a little too long. His feet crash down on the wooden stairs as he approaches my attic, reflecting the anger that has taken over his body. See, they even shoved me up here to keep me away from everyone.

I cower under my thin sheets, knowing all too well what's about to happen. My door swings open and hits the wall behind, deepening the hole that's already there. His eyes are red raw, pupils wide and determined to cause me as much pain as possible. I feel a firm grip on my hair, tugging me out of bed and onto the cold floor. I shiver, awaiting the pain that's to follow. Sure enough, his strong rough hands collide with my cheek, jagged fingernails ripping at the skin as he pulls away.

Tears fill my eyes and my body begins to tremble as his lips reach my ear.

'You do as I say, or next time i'll finish you off'

Sprawled on the floor, i can hear him trudge downstairs, laughing under his breath. His words play over and over in my mind, tearing me apart. Did he really mean what he said? Who am i kidding, of course he did.

I throw on a jumper and tiptoe downstairs in the hope that i would go unnoticed. Through the banister i see my mum and dad helping my brother to unwrap his presents. They look like the perfect family, and without me i guess you could say they are. My brother, a huge grin across his face as he unwraps his new bike, followed by a glance of joy between mum and dad.

'You shouldn't have to deal with this Jayla'

The voices. They run through my mind, speaking my thoughts to me, but i didn't trust them. The minute i trust them, something bad happens and they take control of me. They are always right, but whether i choose to listen to them or not is a different story.

Maintaining a low profile, i make my way to the kitchen. His draw is open, which isn't often the case, but i assume he just didn't shut it properly. After looking at the draw, i notice the rubbish hasn't been taken out. Currently fearing my father, i decide it's best to take it out to the bins. The air is dense and foggy, and i can just about make out the bins in the distance, my bare feet scuffing against the gravel, shooting pains up my legs.

On my return, I stand in the kitchen and notice the draw again. Dad warned me many times to leave that draw alone, as it contained his personal things that I have no right to see.

'Your a mistake, even your own parents hate you'

My vision goes blurry and i can feel my body moving, but i have no control. The piercing scream that follows the  bang snaps me back into reality.

Time froze

My dad lay, bullet wound through his chest

My brother lay behind him, bullet wound through his chest

My mum sprinted out the door, causing the thick fog to roll into the house

I turn on my heels, and run...


YOOOO!!! Okay, so that's the first chapter up! leave me a comment on what you think, and constructive criticism is always welcome! Really excited to get into this fanfic!


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