When the party started..

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Petra handed over the wither skull and Ivor said "Take it.... You've earned it" They both looked in the chest, Jesse said "That doesn't look like a diamond to me.."
"Ughhh, its lapis!"
"Lapis isnt that bad.."
"He promised me a diamond"
"Lets make him pay" said Jesse "Right?,Right?"
They ran all around town and they saw him go in the hall. "There he is!" Said Jesse. But unfortunately therewas no way in.. "Excuse me what can get us in tonight"Asked Jesse.
"Uhhhh, tickets?!hahaha" Laughed the guard. "No this is important get out our way"
"Do you have- Gaaa chicken, chicken, shoo, shoo"
Jesse thought 'he's scared of chickens so, if we break that chicken machine we would get in' They agreed. So she had to get a slimeblock and bounced to get the chickens out.Later they were is his basement..... The door swings open."Hello, i know your there.. No no- Suprised to see me? Thought you got rid of me didnt you!" Ivor said. "We know what your up to, Ivor" Jesse said.
"What are you doing here?!"
"Coming to either get that skull back, or get that diamond"Replied Petra.
"If you wont get out yourself, ill just happily remove you myself"

To be continued

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