How it all started

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Jesse lived like any ordanary person with Axel, Reuben and Olivia. One day they went to Endercon and heres where it All started.....

 One day they went to Endercon and heres where it All started

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Jesse went to Endercon, but the Ocelots were there. "There building a beacon? A beacon? A Freaking Beakon?!"Axel said. "There build is good - but not as good as ours is gonna be!" Jesse shouted. "We better not stare at them too much" said Olivia, hoping they would go away. "Well, Well, Well if it isnt the Loser Squad" sniggered Aiden. "There shouldn't be food inside.I said he is food" "You will regret messing with my pig" Said Jesse angrily. They built a Enderman, which shot out fireworks. Jesse looked at the other builds, they were bound to win. Then people started gathering around their build. "People are looking at us" whispered Jesse."Its only a bunch of dyed Wool!!!" Shouted Aiden, who smashed a stone block and lava scatered everywhere "Oops" said Aiden Sarcastically. Reuben got caught on fire "Reuben, im coming!" Jesse said. She found Reuben and Zombies, spiders, creepers and skelitons started attacking them. Petra saved them and had to do a 'Deal'. "Uhhh, is this the Dark Creepy Alley this guy meant?" Said Jesse. "Yeh, Im pretty sure, ill go look, if he comes, just stall for me" said Petra. Jesse went to peer in the chest when a creepy man came. "And who exactly are you?" "Jesse,What does that mean to you?"Jesse said. "I said to have a deal with Petra, not whoever you are supposed to be"
"Im Petras friend"
"Petra didnt say she would bring a friend round, anyway have you got the scull?"
"Dont be toying with me"
Then Petra came out of no where.
"Hi, Ivor" She said
"Who is this you have with you"
"Just Jesse"
"Hurry up then, Im a very busy man"
Jesse interupted" If you have what you promised us......

To be continued......

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