Victoria closed the bathroom door behind herself and began humming a light tune to herself while slipping her night dress off, laying it over the counter. She then pulled on her navy blue dress and did up the white pearl buttons down the front before she fastened up the belt that pulled in around her waist. It was a short sleeved dress that had a small collar to the neckline that ruffled as it flowed down her legs, ending mid calf.

With a smile, the petite brunette looked back into the small mirror that she had found and lightly applied some light crème powder to her face, running her lipstick across her lips adding a coating of deep red and finally brushing on some light pink to the apples of her cheeks. Putting on her makeup and getting herself nicely dressed reminded her of how easy her life was before she had lost her brother, adding the small steps into her morning routine was helping her to feel normal again..

Victoria softly ran her fingers through her hair allowing it to hang over her shoulders naturally, she then picked up her belongings before leaving the bathroom. Without looking up she placed her things back into her trunk neatly. It wasn't until Victoria was slipping on the small navy blue pumps that matched her dress, that she looked up and spotted Tommy across the room picking up his tie to do up.

"Let me do that for you," She nodded as she wandered slowly over to him. She wrapped the tie around his collar and concentrating as she neatly did it up. Once she had it done she ran her hand down his tie before walking over to the bed, slipping on her navy kitten heels that matched her dress.

Victoria turned around with a smile before fully taking a look at Tommy's appearance. There he stood in front of her, dressed as smartly as can be in a light grey suit. To say that he was handsome and had stolen her heart would have been an understatement, but that wouldn't have been the first time either.

"And where are you off to today?" Tommy questioned as he raised his eyebrow. With a pleadant smile, she put her night clothes away in her trunk before looking back at him. "Arthur has asked me if I would help him with the numbers and asked if I would take a look over the Garrison's books for him." Victoria explained as she picked up her brown button-up dress coat, slipping it on over her shoulders.

Tommy nodded as he picked up his signature flat cap from the side counter, holding onto it as he admired her. "Well once you've finished looking over the books, I would like it if you could stay at the Garrison so that I know where to find you.

"And why would you need to find me?" She questioned, a frown setting in on her face as the thoughts ran through her mind. Tommy slowly walked over to where she stood, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb slowly stroking over her porcelian skin. "There is some business that is going to be happening tomorrow morning and I respect you enough to let you in on what will be happening."

Not only did Tommy want her to be at their important family meeting but he was also going to confine in her about his business. Danny would be happy that his little sister had found somewhere that she was accepted into.

"Of course. See you later." Victoria nodded, before leaning up and pressing her lips to his cheek before stepping away. Victoria walked out of the bedroom that they shared with a smirk across her face as she left behind a star-truck Tommy. Just as she her small heels clicked against the staircase with each step that she took, a voice called out.

"Victoria? Is that you?" She heard, before Arthur stepped out of the living room, walking over to the stairs. "Ready to go when you are." She nodded as she finally reached the bottom of what seemed like a never-ending staircase.

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