chapter 6

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I'm getting late for office as usual and i'm actually running to reach my cabin this time! In a hurry, I wished a 'Good morning!' to the staff members and entered my cabin. Isobelle was waiting their with a few files in her hand. Wishing her as well, I began reading the files. They just needed my signature and I gave it. After that Isobelle reminded me about the meeting with the seniors. I totally forgot about the presentation and I have just two hours to present it. I asked Isobelle to prevent anyone from meeting me until the meeting was over. I went thinking and using my brain for these two hours and finally came up with a sort good presentation.

Then was the meeting and I evetered the conference hall. I was a bit nervous because I prepared the presentation in the last moment. But gratefully if went good and the seniors liked it.

After the meeting I was feeling so much more light. Its like joy to the world! I was resting on my cabin chair for a few minutes till Isobelle came in and gave me cold, fresh lime juice which was very refreshening. She always had some way or the other to cheer me up and save me in any problem. If she wouldn't have reminded me about the meeting, I would have been shouted at by the seniors.

She's doing really great for her first three weeks of work. She's an efficient secretary. I should treat her for her hardwork but atleast after a month.

(A month passed) 


I once again got saved by Isobelle! I forgot today's meeting too! Am I mental? Or do I have short time memory loss?

I time I Isobelle out and treat her. She works so much more than the others. Even though the others are in a higher position than her, she usually does do work for them too and that basically make them lazy. I heard Isobelle had to do a few nightshifts continuously to help some of the members with their silly jobs. She din't have sleep for quite some time.


I feel so irritatingly sick today. But some of the members need me to stay back for the night today too. This time there won't be any ladies staying back. I don't know if I should stay back today or not. But this is my job and I have to do it. I'm a secretary who is suppose to only assist the boss but there are other people who need me too.

It was ten in the night already and there were so many presentations to be completed and Excel sheets to be prepared. There were two more members left in the office. Sir Nial and sir Jake were here. I called them because their my seniours but I think age wise, we're the same.

'Hello Isobelle.' said Jake.

'Hello sir. ' I replied.

'Are you done yet?' asked Nial.

'No. I have four Excel sheets and three presentations left.' I answered.

'Before it takes too long for you to finish, we'll finish what we came here for. ' said sir Jake.  

Jake caught hold of my hand and pulled me against him. I felt so weak that I couldn't even revolt back. He held my chin and brought it closer to his. I tried struggling to break free but I couldn't because Nial was behind me and he held on to me tightly too.

'Wouldn't it be nice if we take a picture of her in such a condition?' said Nial.

'Stop and please let me go' I shouted.


What was that noise? Is someone here in the office? Its not Isobelle, is it? I went out to see wht caused the noise and I found Isobelle and two others.


I had no more strength to struggle but if I din't, I had a bad feeling I would fall into great trouble. Jake then came so close to me that I feared he was trying to kiss me. I don't want a kiss from some stranger like him but I was so vulnerable and couldn't stop him. Before Jake could proceed any further, Michael pulled me away from him. I was so weak that I had no choice but cling onto his shoulder. Michael caught my back to give me some support.

'How dare you try touching her just because she's darn cute?' shouted Michael. My attention suddenly changed to him. I stayed stunned by his saying.

'Get lost!' she shouted to them.

Jake and Nial in disgust, took their bags and exited the office.

'Thank you' I said to Michael.

'Anytime. You seem like your weak. Its because of the nightshifts right?' he asked.

'Yes but its work so I have to do it.'

'But your extremely tired and you shouldn't strain yourself. Leave all the work and just go home.'

'No i'll finish it.'

'This is not your work. Your work is to assist me andd listen to what I tell you to do so please go home. Oh wait, you don't look like you can even walk. I'll drop you home.'

'No sir, i'll go by myself.'

'Just wait here, i'll go get my bag and the car keys.' said Michael, making me sit on a chair. After getting his things he carried me down to his car.

'Sir please let me down!' I said in embarassment.

'Its alright! I'm not kidnapping you ar anything so chill.' said Michael. He put me down on the car seat and then went to his. He then drove his car.


Isobelle looked terribly weak. She should take a day off tomorrow. 

We were soon at her house and when I told her we arrived, I realised that she had fallen asleep. I carried her and took her to her house. Her mother opened the door and was very shocked to see her daughter in such a condition. I went till Isobelle's room and lay her down on her bed. I left my scarf around her and then left.


This is a very sweet chapter according to me. I hope you like it. Thank you everyone who reads this book.


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