Too Far Gone

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If you for some reason have not seen the latest episodes of The Walking Dead you might not want to read this.

This story will be on hold until after February 9th when The Walking Dead returns...

Rivers POV:

I woke up coughing uncontrollably.

I  saw Hershel come for me.

"Alright River... I need you to drink this and take this." He explained handing me a mug and a pill.

I was so confused.

I coughed up blood.

"Did you hear me?" Hershel said practically forcing me to take the medicine and drink the tea.

I grabbed the mug and sipped the tea.

People started screaming and Hershel ran off.

All of the sudden walkers were everywhere.

I heard lizzie scream above me.

I ran out of the cell block and saw Hershel running to her.

I ran to Luke and stayed with him and Lizzie came with us.

Maggie came in and tried to help.

One month later.

I walked outside and saw Rick talking to a man.

I figured it was 'The Governor' who Ive heard much about.

Daryl handed me a gun.

I looked down at it.

I remembered the other kids being in the prison.

I snuck off to get Lizzie, Mika, and the others.


I ran back to the fence and  saw The Governor slit Hershel's neck with Michonne's sword.

I heard Maggie and Beth scream and Rick yell "NOO!".

I looked around at everyone. I started crying as everyone started shooting, war had just started.

I ran back to get Judith but she was gone.

I ran and stopped when I saw Carl. "CARL!" I screamed.

He turned his head when another explosion happened it was pretty close to him.

The smoke cleared and he was gone. "Ugh" I said throwing my arms up aggravated.

I ran to find Lizzie when Luke and Molly ran past me. I looked up to see Lizzie shoot some girl. Tyreese climbed out of the plants, amazed at what Lizzie had done.

I looked around, it was a mess. Everyone was missing.

I saw Rick but he looked like he was gone... as in dead. The Governor had him good.

I started crying, I looked at the prison, it was gone, nothing was left and we needed to leave.

Lizzie and Mika ran the opposite direction in which we needed to go. "WE GO THIS WAY!" shouted Tyreese. 

I looked back at the prison, Walkers over flowed it, the smoke rised to the clouds, the fence was torn down and everyone was gone.

I caught up to Tyreese, Mika, and Lizzie. "So what now?" I said crying.

"train tracks" Tyreese said out of breath.

I ran back to where I could see the prison. I gasped when walkers popped up. I ran back over to Tyreese and the others.

"We gotta go" I said nodding.

 "Its time" Lizzie said quietly looking at the ground.

"they're all gone.." I explained too Tyreese.

"As in dead." Lizzie said coldly.


"Lets go, we don't have time to argue" Tyreese said, bouncing Judith in his arms.


This story will also be on hold until after February 9th when The Walking Dead returns so I have material to write off of..

This chapter was called "Too Far Gone" because it was the name of the Mid-season finale episode and seemed perfect.

All of the stuff in this chapter happened in the mid-season finale... except for the character River of course..

This story is very boring I know but I find my other one is not...

Thanks for reading!


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