Pink or Blue

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Julian laid the cloth over the table and backed up to look at his handiwork. He put two plates on the table and opened the fridge. 

Julian took out the jello and plopped some onto both plates. He would have to be quick now. He knew his parents would come downstairs any moment.

The little boy climbed up a chair and started microwaving the popcorn.

Julian got his guitar and sat down on the chair set a bit further from the table where his parents were. He swirled a paintbrush in some paint and water.


After they had looked around for an hour for another possible letter or indication to what Julian wanted on Christmas and got nothing, Justin frowned, "So what now?"

Ariana sighed, "I'm sure Julian didn't exactly know what he wanted."

Justin looked down at his watch and shrugged, "Well, it's 11:30. I guess we should get downstairs with Julian."

Ariana smiled and put a hand on Justin's shoulder, "Babe, it's alright. I know Julian knows we love him and that we would give him anything."

Justin kissed her and took Julian's letter from her hands, "I love you, Ari."

The two suddenly heard popping and they ran downstairs.

"Julian!" Ariana called, coming down. She got inside the kitchen and opened the microwave, pulling out the bag of popcorn.

She looked over at him and laughed, "Julian, what are you doing with this popcorn and that table and your guitar and that paint?"

He smiled, "Just sit." Justin walked into the kitchen, cautiously and confused. Julian nodded, "You too, daddy."

Ariana sat on one end of the table and Justin on the other. She put the bag of popcorn in the middle of the table and looked down at the jello in front of her.

"Baby," Ariana laughed, "What is this?"

"I made you guys dinner," Julian said matter of factly.

Justin smiled and inspected the table, "Huh. Well, thanks bud." 

Ariana picked up her fork and grinned, "Well, what's the guitar and paint for?"

Julian started strumming and said, "First I'm going to I'm going to play a song."

Justin looked at his son and lifted a brow. He nodded, "Go ahead, Julian."

The boy shifted in his seat, adjustting the instrument on his lap. Julian sang, playing the chords he had been earlier that night.

The love of my parents gives me hope

When my hopes slide down a slope

And I know I am not alone

Mommy and Daddy have affectshion that's grown

Ariana and Justin laughed at the way Julian said "affection". Ariana wrapped her finger around Justin's and smiled at him. Their child was just the most precious thing.

He had written songs before, But Justin and Ariana never heard this one before. It was very precious though.

When adults are in love and hold hands

Babies are sent from pelicans

When two people sit down and talk, talk, talk

So I gotta put their hands in lock

Ariana made a confused face. What on Earth was Julian talking about? She looked over at Justin, who was scratching the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed.

A Santa riding on a big bird will bring my present

And I will bask in a baby essence (Ariana nearly bursted out laughing at "baby essence")

This year I have been pleasant

Now I just need my parents' consent

When Julian finished, his parents gave him big claps. And Ariana was tempted to tell him that he pronounced "consent" wrong but instead she giggled, "Julian baby, what was that about?"

Julian just gently put his guitar down to the side and took the watery paint. He got the paper from Justin's hand and placed it on the table. His parents watched intently as Julian painted the paper and white crayon began to show.

Ariana "ooh"ed and Justin's eyes widened. He blushed and looked up at the ceiling.

The white crayon revealed the whole letter:

Dear Santa,

I want a baby sibling

Love, Julian

P.S. they can be wrapped in pink or blue paper. I don't care.

Ariana blushed too. She squeezed Justin's hand, "Justin! Look at it!"

He glanced at it and became red.

Ariana couldn't help but laugh. She looked over at Julian, "Baby, what? Who told you this?"

Julian shrugged, "I wanted a baby sister or brother. And Daddy told me he wanted one too. And that when two grown ups hold hands and wish really hard a big bird like on Sesame Street comes and gives it to them. So I was thinking, since we've both been so good this year-"

Ariana laughed and kissed Julian on the cheek.

She looked over at Justin, who was still staring intently at the ceiling.

Ariana smiled sweetly in a sing-song voice, "Oh, dear Justin."

He looked over at her and gave a lopsided, cutesy, embarrassed grin.

Ariana smirked, "You want another baby, Justin? You better ask Santa nicely."


Merry Late Christmas guys :D

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