The big move

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Hi there! I'm Shay, I'm 20 years old and just graduated college with an English major. I always saw myself doing something extraordinary like acting or dancing, which I'm pretty good at, but I never had the guts to try it out for real. So I settled for the second only thing I'm good at. Right now, it seems like I don't really know what to do with my life. I still live with my parents since my part time job at an elementary school obviously doesn't pay much. All my friends are getting either engaged or promoted while I spend my Saturday nights watching YouTube videos. I eventually lost contact with them after the 50th time of turning down one of their invitations. I know I'm supposed to be a grown up, but helping you pick a carpet color for your new house is the opposite of fun to me. I consider myself a natural beauty; long brown hair, full perfectly shaped eyebrows, huge brown eyes and a cute little dimple on my right cheek that could melt an entire iceberg. Heck yeah, I'm adorable! But you see... over these past few months following my graduation, I adopted some really bad habits that made me neglect my appearance and personal hygiene. Snaking on the couch while on the computer for hours made my skin breakout, my once healthy and fit body was now floppy and my hair seems to be constantly greasy. You could say I'm going through a rough patch at the moment. 

"Hey honey!" I hear my mom say while entering the house

I was in the kitchen getting yet another snack, ready to continue my awesome evening of fun.

"Hey mom! How was work?" I ask not bothering to look up from my cereal bowl

"Work was good. Shay? Aren't you sick of this junk food? Why don't you try this for once?" mom says as she grabs an apple and puts it in front of my face. Of course, I sigh and roll my eyes at her.

"Do you know what this is called? Are you familiar with the concept of... fruit?" she thinks she's being funny. Ok, she kinda is. She's roasting the shit out of me right now.

"Fruit, they're called fruit honey and they're good for you!" she keeps trying to convince me.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. I'll be in my room, mother" I joke back at her as I grab my food and walk back upstairs.

It's a typical Saturday night. I've just finished watching Bad Moms, which made me feel a bit better for not having my life quite figured out yet, but also made me feel totally crappy for not being able to afford any of those nice houses. I make the mistake of checking Instagram. First picture I see is of my once best friend, Chrystal, with her newest boyfriend, Trey. 

When your soul mate is also your bestfriend #lovehim #soulmates #instacouple

Ugh are you kidding me with this crap? Look, I get what it's like to be in love. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate every couple that's in love, because of my past misfortunes with guys. I'm not that girl. I just refuse to be someone's 'time killer' when their boyfriends are away. That's why I stopped going out with these people. Ugh, eff this. Let's check out some YouTube videos. Hmm, let's see... "HOMELESS GUY LICKED MY SHOE #Storytime"  Oh Gawd! These videos are so pointless, but also extremely entertaining. Huh? Wait... what's this...? One of my recommended videos caught my eye. "First day in Korea as an English teacher" . I decide to click on it, eager to find out more. As I'm listening to this complete stranger talk about her experience as an English teacher in Seoul, all of a sudden a switch just turned on in my brain. That's it! That's what I need to do! This is the perfect opportunity to be in a new environment, make new friends all while making a little extra money. I start researching how the whole thing works. Mom must have yelled for me to go to bed like 15 times, but I am so pumped up with adrenaline that I probably won't sleep till 4am. 

[.........] [.........]

It's been six months. Six months of paperwork, Skype interviews and stress. I've been preparing my departure for Seoul and the day had finally come. A new beginning, a way to escape for a while and clear out my mind. During those six months of preparation, I had not only followed the complicated and time consuming process of getting accepted as an English teacher in a Korean primary school, but I had also challenged myself to get healthier. I ran for half an hour every morning, went to the gym for and hour in the evenings and replaced the unhealthy snacks with fruit. Mom sure was happy about that. My skin had finally cleared out completely and my hair was shiny again, not from the grease but from the vitamins I put in my body. I wanted to look as good as possible, not because I felt pressured by the society, but because if I didn't look good on the outside, I didn't feel good on the inside. Exactly the opposite of what most people would say, but I'm weird like that. And I did feel good, ready to take on this new adventure. My two main goals? To meet as many new people as possible and be a great English teacher. I finally want to accomplish something. And I will.

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