"It is the ship! I get stuck in a crio-pod then in an air lock. (y/n) nearly drowned after being locked up in the bathroom. Keith got attacked by a robot. And Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food. It's been a weird morning." Lance grumbled in a firm and angry voice. Just then the sirens rang and a red screen appeared above us.

"What?! How's that possible?" Coran murmured in a shocked voice.

"What is it?" Keith asked.

"The ship is starting a wormhole jump!" all of us were shocked at Coran's answer. Wasting no time, we ran to the control room and were stunned to see Allura standing at the podium, operating the ship. I even saw the mice and Scrump trying to call out to her from the foot of the podium.

"Allura, what's going on?" Shiro asked in a firm tone.

"We're going to Altea. We're going home. My father is taking us." Allura answered in a dreamy voice, as if she was possessed. Shiro and the rest of us ran towards her but there was a barrier around her that prevented us from getting any closer.

"Stay away from my daughter!!" Large faces of King Alfor appeared on the screens around us, his cold eyes glaring down at us.

"Allura wake up!" Shiro shouted.

"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" Coran said. We soon were out of the wormhole and in front of us was a large star that looked like the blazing sun.

"We're heading straight for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge cried out as all of us froze on the spot.

"I can see Altea!" Allura whispered happily. Coran ran up to the barrier and banged on it

"Allura! Allura! Wake up! What you're seeing isn't real!" Coran cried out to try and phase her out from the illusion. Allura stood there for a moment but then her eyes widened and she gasped.

"That's not Altea!" She gasped in realisation as her eyes stared at the star in front of us.

"When that star goes supernova, it'll destroy the entire system. Allura you have to reset the course to get us out of here." Pidge cried out. Allura quickly placed her hands on the control panels but it shocked her and she fell out of the podium. Shiro caught her and she looked at her father's hologram.

"Father please. I beg you to turn this ship around." Allura pleaded. "If you don't do it soon we will all perish."

"I know. That is my intention." All our eyes widened in shock at the king's words. "Don't you see dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He's been ruling for 10,000 years." King Alfor said as his hologram started to fizz.

"But we must continue to fight!" Allura said, not believing her father's words.

"Fight, for what? It is all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war, you can be with me and the rest of your people." King Alfor tried to reason out.

"Father please. The paladins and I can still stop Zarkon. Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen." Just then, the hologram showed different postures of the king.

"Allura! My A.I has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source!" "We can still smell the blossoms every morning. Just the two of us, remember how much you loved that." Clearly King Alfor was corrupted by the crystal and the real him is trying to make things right.

"I do...I'll see you soon father." She whispered before spinning to us with determined eyes. "I got to get into the A.I chamber so that I can disconnect my father's power source manually."

"But that means...Losing King Alfor forever." Coran murmured. Allura looked like she was in a conflict but breathed in.

"Paladins, get into your lions. I need you to slow down the castle descend into the star." Allura ordered but I could hear tints of sobs in her voice. We looked at each other but knew we had to do this. The others ran to the hangers while I turned around and gave Allura a quick hug.

"Be strong." I softly said to her. She looked at me with sad eyes but nodded. Soon I reached my lion and all of the lions shot out from the hangers. We flew together to the front of the ship and used all our might to push the ship back. But our efforts were in vain as the ship continued forward. Please hurry Allura.


Allura reached the chamber and her father's hologram appeared. The fake one tried to stop her from making this mistake while the real one persuaded her to continue. Allura whimpered but opened the pod with all of his memories. She was about to destroy it but she was suddenly enveloped in a bright light.

She soon found herself in surrounded black. But then soft glows floated around her, showing every memory of the two of them. Their laughs and sweet words ringed in the area. Allura's heart clenched but pushed herself to believe that this isn't real. She ran forward to try and find a way out but then she was stopped by the small memory, showing her father and her as a baby. Allura's heart couldn't take it anymore and she broke into tears.

"You don't have to fight Allura." King Alfor's hologram appeared and walked towards her. "You don't have to make this sacrifice." His words were soon laced with venom. It almost sounded like the Galra king who took her father away in the first place. Allura pursed her lips and immediately threw herself onto her father, enveloping in his warmth for one last time.

"Goodbye father." She wept, hugging him closer. The real King Alfor looked down at his daughter, smiling in his mind as to how much she has grown yet sad in the fact this will also be the last time he will spend time with her.

"Goodbye, my daughter." He whispered and hugged her back. Soon his hologram cracked and Allura was brought back into the real world. The man she hugged turned into a shattered case and soft glows of memories flew in the air. Allura took one last look and frowned. But she still had a job to do. She quickly ran back to the control room where Coran started to set the course away from the star.

"Paladins! Return to the hangers. We're getting out of here." She commanded the paladins and they rushed back inside. Coran created another wormhole and the ship flew right in, just before the star exploded.


After all the chaos and getting to a safe quiet place, we all stood around Allura. I sat next to her on the podium and rubbed a reassuring hand on her back. All of us could almost imagine the pain she was going through right now.

"I'm so sorry about your father princess." Shiro softly said with concern.

"We all are." Hunk mumbled as the others shared similar pitying glances at her.

"Thank you, but that was not my father." She said and stood up. "The real King Alfor was a great man, and a great father. He may not be here with us anymore, but his dream lives on through all of us. And his legacy is Voltron.

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