"Hey" I said, my voice cracking slightly as tears ran down my cheeks.

"How has my baby sister been?? Are you okay? You sound sad?" He asked

"I know how much you hate this place.. I know but I am living here all by myself in this big house. I need you Parker I miss you so much. I miss momma .. I don't miss dad but I miss you.. I'm happy He is in Jail and I hope he doesn't get out anytime soon but can you please come stay with me for a while?" I asked as more tears built up.

He sighed.

"Yeah .. I miss you too Sofi .. I'll drive up there tonight and I can stay for a little while okay" he said

"Thank you so much buba" I said

"No prob. I'll let you go.. I gotta pack" he said

"Okay see you soon love you" I said

"See you soon love you too" he said hanging up.

Oh my god I need to clean this place UP!

I run through the house picking up my laundry from everywhere and put them in the washing machine starting to wash those clothes.

I rinse off the dishes in the sink before putting them in the dishwasher.

I basically clean the entire house up, getting it ready for him.

Around 6 I finish up and sit down. only to here a knock at the door.

I get up and open the door seeing my brother..(Picture above)

I scream and jump into his arms hugging him tightly

"I've missed you SO MUCH" he said rocking us back and forth.

We let go of the hug and he walks inside.

"Since when are you a clean person?" He asked

"Since I spent the last three hours cleaning this house be happy" I said

"I am" he said running upstairs and putting his stuff in his room.

"Order a pizza we need to catch up" he yelled from the stairs

"Mkay" I said grabbing my phone and calling dominos.

I order two large pizzas, one Hawaiian and one plain pepperoni.. we both eat both so we can share them.

He came back down and we sat on the couch.

"So what's been going on??" He asked me

"Um.. you missed a lot" I said

"Well what happened after you met Alli.. you told me about her over the phone" he said

"Well .. after I met Alli we became good friends .. and we hand out a lot and she's just a really fun person" I said shrugging

"Is she really your only friend?" He asked making me smile and shake my head no thinking of Ethan.

He looked at me smiling and laughed

"Who is he?" He asked

"Why do you automatically assume it's a he?" I asked

"Because of that giant smile on your face" he said

"His name is Ethan.. and after a while if knowing Alli I was walking to her house and Facetimeing her when she randomly hung up. So I texted her and was asking why she hung up when someone had full force body slammed me. It was Ethan.. he started freaking out and kept asking if I was okay and apologizing and kept stuttering and stuff and it was really cute.. but he had made me shatter my phone sadly.. he suddenly said he had o go and took off running .. and these guys were chasing him and stuff so I ran after them and those guys were beating Ethan up.. so I yelled at them and I don't know why but they were scared or something so they ran away and I helped Ethan" I said to him.

"When was this??" He asked

"Umm..a little over a month ago" I said smiling still.

"And you two have hung out after this incident?" He asked

"Yeah I just got back fro his house early.. Alli and I were hanging out with him and his brother Grayson .. and we had a lot of fun" I said

"Well I wanna meet Ethan sometime" he said

"So what about you?? What have you been up to?" I asked

"Nothing really.. like honestly it's been boring in my life." He said making me laugh

BabyGirl//Ethan Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now