Dianes servant

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Evelyn was still really sad from Friday night, and in a few weeks was homecoming.  Evelyn decided she would quit laying around and try to win homecoming queen and show Stryder off. So she went shopping and found a really pretty dress and was ready for next week. When she went back to school she found out Diane was also running and she got REALLY mad. The whole week Diane was bragging about how she found the perfect dress and that she'll be better then everyone. Brooklynne is one of Diane's "servants" her other servant is Brynna and she is even worse than Brooklynne Brooklynne is nonstop bragging about Diane to Evelyn and Evelyn finally had enough of it. She goes up to Brooklynne slaps her and tells her to stop talking about Diane.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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