Chapter Four: Just a Walk in the Park

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A single sharp note sounded throughout the classroom as the final bell rang, signalling students were free for the rest of the day. The teacher opened their mouth to speak, but before they even could the students rose from their seats and were out the door in a flourish. This, of course, included He and She.

In perfect unison, they stood up from their seats and side by side, hand in hand, they headed through the front doors out into the open.

I want you to imagine yourself on a walk. Maybe where live there are skyscrapers and stores and the rush of cars. Maybe you live in a more peaceful setting, where green hills roll and cows graze. And of course, there's every biome and climate in between. Now imagine a path through this setting. You see shops, your surroundings, the sky, imagine it. 

You're walking through this setting on this path. You're having a good time, but you're a little lonely. So imagine a person. They could be someone you know about in reality, in fiction, or you could even go as far as to make them up completely from scratch. This is a person you love very much. They hold a special place in your heart, and you regard this person highly, platonic or romantic. If you haven't met this person yet, don't worry. They will come to you eventually. So you're walking with them. Maybe you stop in a few stores, take a picture, or just talk. You talk to them about trifles, about humorous things that happened, take a trip down nostalgia lane, or you find yourself on more serious topics of opinions. Of course, they don't judge you for any of these things. A few hours pass, maybe more, and you find yourself never wanting to leave their side. You find out sooner or later that they feel the exact same way. 

That wasn't too hard to imagine, was it? Just a walk in the park. Now let me tell you something else.

You and this person are He and She. Just for this chapter.

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