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"Where are you taking me? " I asked Tim for the tenth time.

" Just a few more minutes, I promise Kim." Tim answered with a big grin on his face.

He wore a dark washed jeans with a plain white shirt under a red and gray flannel he paired it off with Grey trainers. His hair is styled so that it looked shaggy without hanging in his pale blue eyes but longer in his neck that it brushed the flannels collar.

Giving up on asking where we were going I tried to pay attention to my surroundings. Tim took a strange rout today. He's driving on streets that we usually do not take and it has me confused.

Our surroundings had turned from city to the countryside, as the houses grew fewer the opens grass spaces surrounding it grew larger and hills stated forming. Here and there were fields of grain started popping up and you could even spot a few horses grazing by the fences.

Living in a big city like ours, you grasp every chance to be surrounded by open spaces.

Not to long Tim turned of onto a dirt road, the sign next to it read * Horse Haven * hmm I like horses and Tim knew it.

"Are we going horse riding? " I asked with hope clearly written on my face.

" Horses will be part of the plans. " The smile on his face just grew bigger.

Stopping in the designated area I climbed put of the car fast to breath in the fresh country air. There stood horses close by in paddocks, grazing on green grass.

"This way Kim" Tim beckoned me towards what looked like the office.

Taking his hand in mine I followed him, still admiring the horses as we walked. In the office we were greeted by a cheery lady that showedus to our horses. Tim had arranged everything before hand.

After showing us to our horses and making sure we had the right riding clothes on she left to go back to the office.

"Now I know why you are so that I should wear jeans and trainer! " Tim just flashed me one of his trade marked smiles and continued to help me on my horse.

Throws my right leg over the saddle I got comfortable on my black mare. He names Buttercup and it looked like she was quite gentle. Tim go up on a brown male, Storm.

"You ready? " Tim asked over his shoulder to me.

Nodding my head I gave Buttercup a nudge to urge her forward so that we could follow Tim.

We rode for about an hour or so, time flew like it had completely stopped. Being surrounded by nature was amazing. Our surroundings were green fields of grass with wilde flowers sprouting up in some sports. The weather was also that of early summer, a light wind and some clouds in the sky.

"Let's get off here and rest for a bit. " Tim had been directing us in the direction of a slight hill that has a big oak tree on its top.

Tim got off first and secured Storm to a post that was there for the horses with a big bucket of water for them. He came over me to help me off and secured Buttercup next to Sort who was enjoying the fresh water.

" thanks" I smiled at him knowing that I am a very luck girl to have him as my boyfriend.

Taking my hand Tim lead me to the other side of the oak tree.

Gasping out of shock. There in the shade of the tree laid a blanket with a picnic basket in the middle of it.

Turning to face Tim, he's smile grew even bigger. Pulling him close to me I gave him a quick kiss.

"How did I get so lucky? "

"Just by being you" Tim leaned closer and gave me a gentle kiss.

Parting after our kiss Tim guide me to the blanket. He open up the basket and started to place different tipes of food in front of me. There was strawberries with chocolate, sandwiches filled with chicken mayo and ice tee.

"before we get started here there is one more thing I want to surprise you with. " Tim's happy nature turned more serious and it made me sit up straight, giving him my full attention.

" okay. "

"Yesterday you finished your junior year, it was also my last day of high school. I have told you not to worry about how the next year would be and it would sort it self out." Tim paused and took a deep breath.

" As you know I have gotten a few scholarships to universities all over the country for my achievements in program design. " I took his had as I could see he was having a hard time. His pale blue eyes would not hold my gaze for more than a few seconds.

I knew we were going to have a year apart before I would be able to join him where ever he would en up studying. We have been a couple for all of my high school time and even before that we had been close friends. Our relationship was special and I have always had it in my heart that we would one day get married.

" Well a few days ago I received a offer that makes all the scholarships look like no hint compare to it. " grasping my had tight he spoke the words that broke my heart.

" This fall I will be joining the Navy " 

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