Chapter 5

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Johnny's POV

I walked Mackenzie home, and then started walking to my house. I had a little pep in my step, since now I have a date to the dance.

I walk inside happy that I was greeted by warmth. I took my coat off and my boots and everything else, I went to the kitchen seeing my family making dinner.

"Hey Johnny! How are you sweetie?" Mom asked.

"I'm good. I found a date to the dance now" I grinned widely.

"What do you mean now? Weren't you going with Hannah?" Dad asked.

"I was, but she broke up with me. But I found a girl to go with me."

"What's her name?" Lauren asked.

"Mackenzie Ziegler. She lives down the street from us."

"Oh I know her. We have classes together" she says.

"Ya that's what she told me" I mumbled.

"Okay, dinners ready!" Mom announced.

Me and my sisters all sat around the table, and we began to serve ourselves.

We had our conversations about our day. Mostly our parents talked about their day and I basically zoned out.

Eventually I'm brought back into reality when my phone goes off.

It's a text from Kenzie.

Kenzie💕: my parents want to meet you this Friday. Can you do it?

Johnny💕💜😘: ya not a problem

Kenzie💕: thank you sm!

I get off my phone and continue eating. When dinner is over I cleaned up and ran to my room.

I sit on my bed for awhile scrolling through my phone when Lauren walks in.

"Look I know something's up I'm not an idiot so just tell me" she says.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I mean something is up with you and Mackenzie. You've never even talked to her before and now she's your date? Something is up so spill" she insisted.

"Look I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else okay?" I say.

She nodded in agreement.

"Okay so, her parents bother her about not dating anyone, so I'm pretending to be her boyfriend while she in return, is my date to the dance" I explained.

She smirked, then sat next to me.

"You, that this is both really smart and really stupid" she tells me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's stupid because you're going to fall in love with her! It happens all the time in Christmas movies" she explained.

"But Lauren, this isn't a hallmark Christmas movie. This is real life" I state.

"Fine, don't listen to me. But when you fall in love with her, don't be surprised when I say I told you so" she ranted then stormed out of my room.

I laughed and shook my head. She can be special at times. Eventually I begin to think about what she said. Am I really going to fall in love with Mackenzie?

Nah, I won't. She probably likes some other guy.

Sorry it's such a short chapter and a sucky ending. I'll try to come up with some better chapters.

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