Sneak Peek

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Hello my dear lovely readers. My new work. Hope you like it!! 😜


"Hey I think you're burning up!! "

" Mr Clayton? "

" Are you sick? " I asked him in a worry tone. But he didn't open his eyes.

Slowly I shifted my position, beside the couch on which he's lying . I bent down as I brought my forehead closer to him and placed on his. He's so hot...... He's sick. Why don't he take some rest at home rather coming to work.

As I remained in the position I took my time to explore his features, he had small eyes which is exactly opposite to me and dark eyebrows, I saw a small scar which is just above his left brow. I can now feel sweat forming on the sides of my cheek so I decided to pull away , but he opened his eyes and stared at me.

"What are you doing Vina? " he asked raising a brow.

I just blinked a few times and asked myself what am I doing?? While thinking about it..... His lips turned to a mischievous grin, before i focus on what's going on..... He pulled me to his hard chest. As I didn't expect the sudden move from him I caught off guard, finally landing on his chest with great force.

"Ow........ What the hell! " I yelled at him.

I had an urge to pull away from him so I supported my palms on the handrest of couch and started to move away , I felt his hand on my lower back preventing me to get up from him. I lifted my face to see him smirking at me....he then winked at me. My eyes widened at his act and I just stared at his Grey orbs. After a moment, I realized that I'm still lying on top of him I started to struggle in his arms to move away from him. But he didn't budge.

"Why don't you stay in this position? I'm more comfortable now" he stated.

I glared at him and tried to pull, but he tighten his grip on my waist.

"Give up already " he said cocking his eyebrow.

I know he will not let me go.... So I blew out a huge sigh and relaxed in his arms. He closed his eyes as he realized that I gave up. I examined his face as to know if he's sleeping really or is he acting. But as soon as I heard his snores i know he's asleep so I dropped my head on his chest. I then closed my eyes for a second I could hear his heartbeat now.

I guess his heartbeats is like a lullaby for me.... As I listened to it... I felt my eyes drooping. I finally drifted to sleep on his hard chest.


Guys if you like it. Please go ahead with chapter1

Thank you

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