Twelve-Business partners

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"What kind of proposition?" I asked, curious.

"As you know, I have dedicated myself to discovering all of this town's mysteries. However, I also investigate private matters of the paranormal kind. I could use an assistant." Gideon offered.

"Woah Woah Woah! There is no way I'm being your assistant!" I insisted. Gideon groaned.

"Fine. Partner then. We could be unstoppable. You have expressed your dreams to study the paranormal, and this is your chance!" I thought about it. It was my only shot at following my dreams, but what good were my dreams if I couldn't go through with them with Dipper?

"I dunno, Gideon. I guess I've always just pictured myself doing all this stuff with my brother." I turned away from him.

"How do you plan to be successful? Where do you plan to find the experience?" He was right. A chance like this would never come again.

"Fine." I growled, turning around. "I'll do it. But not for you, I'm doing this for me." Gideon smirked his cocky smile.

"I knew you'd come to your senses." He held an air of righteousness about him at all times which made him seem almost better than anyone I'd ever met. More... Sophisticated.

"Let's just get one thing straight here, Gideon." I poked him in the chest.  "I am not your little sidekick. You can't boss me around, because I won't stand for it."

"Please Pines, I've no use to order you like a servant." He held out his hand. "So, we have a deal?" I shook his hand uneasily.

"Don't make me regret this."

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