Hi Y'all

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It gets better.

I know it doesn't feel like that.

I know you want to die.

But there's so much to live for.

Winter (or summer) is coming.

If you live in the United States, the presidential election just happened. While the results were awful, think it about it this way. So many people are leaving that you get more food. And in two years, everyone will hopefully realize what a mistake it was to vote for Trump.

There's food.

You are beautiful.

You are so beautiful.

Trust me, you may feel worthless.

You may be hurt by everyone in your life.

But it will change.

I know I sound like I'm not in the same boat. Like I'm a broken record.

Maybe I am.

But I promise you.

It will always end up better.

You will find love.

You are worthy of love.

I may have never met you but I love you.

You are important.

You are slim enough.

You are perfect.


You don't need to hide your scars from the world.

They don't define you.

If people try to define you, let me know.

Because it's so hard to deal with it without the hate.

Hate makes it worse.

I don't know you.

I don't know your story.

I don't know what your life looks like.

But you are important.

You are loved.

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