Chapter 17 - ...of the true end?

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Ghost heard archer over the radio saying “Be advised, you have a large concentration of 

hostiles moving in from the southeast, they've just breached the perimeter! I'll try to 

thin 'em out before they get too close. Recommend you switch to scoped weapons, over.” 

Ghost ran to the weapons cache and grabbed an L86 LSW with scope and started firing at the 

tangos at their southeast. After about 2 hours of countless waves of tangos the DSM finishes 

the transfer. Ghost and roach are the only 2 alive. Ghost orders roach to fetch the DSM. 

Roach runs to fetch the DSM and asks ghost “what now?” ghost replies with a chuckle “now 

we fuck off out of here” ghost orders his team to exfill but only roach sounds off. The LZ is 

1 mile across a very open field beyond that, a big drop then more open fields. Ghost can hear 

tangos behind him, shooting at him and missing. Ghost can hear shepherd over the radio saying 

“This is Shepherd. We're almost at the LZ. What's your status, over?” ghost replies “were 

on our way to the LZ now” roach is shaking like a leaf but ghost keeps shouting “let’s go, 

let’s go!”. Ghost can hear more mortars inbound. Ghost shouts to roach “They're 

bracketing our position with mortars, keep moving but watch your back! Roach, I got you 

covered! Go! Go! Get to the LZ! Keep moving! We gotta get to the LZ! Roach, come on!” roach 

snapped out of it and ran with ghost. Ghost saw the drop at the treeline and thought, “not far 

now” roach was ahead of ghost and was in the treeline, shooting and running. Ghost saw lots 

of rotor wings in the area and thought “perfect timing guys” mortars continue to rain but the 

last one hit near roach. Ghost saw roach fall and gave him an AK 47 and dragged him the 

shepherds Pavelow. Ghost uses the comms link, “Thunder Two-One, I've popped red smoke in the 

treeline! Standby to engage on my mark!” two-one waits for the mark. “Thunder Two-One, 

cleared hot!” just as ghost finishes thunder two-one radios “Roger that cleared hot. Guns, 

guns, guns.” Ghost tries to keep roach awake by shouting “roach, hang in there!” roach is 

helped up by ghost and the pair slowly walk towards shepherds Pavelow. Shepherd walks out 

and asks ghost “do you have the DSM?” ghost replies “we got it sir!” shepherd has a very 

evil smile on him as he says “good that’s one less loose end” shepherd pulls out his magnum 

revolver and shoots roach in the abdomen. Ghost shouts “no!” as he tries to pull up his rifle 

to fire but isn’t fast enough as shepherd shoots him in the chest. Ghost blacks out and 

gets dumped into a ditch with roach. Ghost can still hear everything but is passed out from 

the gunshot wound. Ghost can hear over the radio “Ghost! Come in, this is Price! We're 

under attack by Shepherd's men at the boneyard! Soap, hold the left flank! Do not trust 

Shepherd! I say again, do not trust Shepherd! Soap, get down!--" 

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