#5 - Special Texts

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? - I heard it was your birthday today. Happy birthday!

You - Who is this + thanks!

? - It's a very special person. You'll see in a little bit, trust me.

You - How do you even know it's my birthday?

? - Someone told me, someone you know. They also gave me your number.

You - Really? Who was it, I'm gonna hurt them today.

? - 20 Questions. Go.

You - Is it a girl?

? - Yes.

You - Does she have golden blonde hair and brown eyes?

? - Yes.

You - Do you know her name?

? - Yes.

You - Is her name (Y/b/f/n)?

? - Yes. That was easy, only 4 questions! Now go to your living room, I left a surprise there.


You shook your head and made your way outside and to your living room. After not seeing anything but then natural items there, you began to search; under the couch, around the counter, in between the cushions.

Just as you checked there, you heard someone giggle, then say "I can't believe she thinks I'm there, I'm way to big to fit in between the cushions!"

"Shut up, she has really good hearing and she might hear you!" Your best friend said and did something that made a semi - loud noise.

"Ow! That hurt so much, don't do that!" He hissed and giggled again.

As they were talking, you made my way over to where they were talking; under the stairs in the special room. You opened up the door quickly, which forced them to jump and get scared.

"Hey, what's up! What're you doing here ..." Your best friend said slowly and nervously, trailing off in the end. Then you watched as she looked down and seemed sad, for some reason that's her first time.

You didn't even realize the second person snuck out, you were too busy lecturing your friend, but in a funny and nice, friendshippy way.

About a minute later, your phone went off and you looked down to see who was texting you.


? - Turn around, your surprise is here.


That's when you remembered that you only went downstairs because that second person told you to.

Standing in front of you was Reed Deming himself, and he looked extremely happy for some reason. You wondered why, but soon your Fangirl got the best of you and you squealed out, running to him and hugging him.

"Hello, (Y/n)," He whispered. "I head it was your birthday today, so I just wanted to wish you a happy one."

"Thank you so much." You said back, tears rolling softly down your cheeks and forcing his shirt to become wet.

"It's not a problem. How about if we go get some cake, I heard it was your favorite kind."

"Okay," You replied and pulled him to the kitchen to where the cake sat. "Let's just dig in, I suppose."

You both had a piece of your favorite cake and finished off your birthday bash with Reed singing your favorite song.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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