#3 - Movie Night

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It was Movie Night tonight, also known as Friday Night, and you both couldn't wait. It was your turn to choose the movie. You had waited so long to choose it, and you had the most perfect movie already planned for it; High School Musical 1 (Not Really). You chose it because you knew Reed hated that series.

"Trust me, baby," You attempted to assure him. "It's a really good movie and you'll love it; I promise." You begged him over and over again to watch it with you, but you left out the fact that it was his least favorite movie.

"Fine, you win (Y/n). I'll watch the movie with you. As long as you promise nether of us will hate it or back out on it when it starts, leaving the other to suffer through it." He replied and looked at you, an eyebrow raised, which forced you to giggle.

"I promise Reed. We both will love it and neither one of us will be backing out when it begins. Let's just start it already!" You whined and pulled him to his bed, forcing him to sit down and lay across. 

He pulled you over and made you lay on your back on him. You wimpered out and attempted to pull away, although you were unsuccessful. 

"I need to play the movie, Reed! Let me turn the movie on or else this night will be wasted!" You squealed and, finally, he let you go so you could put the disk into the machine. You did just that, and it began to play.

The title screen came on, and as you hit Play on the remote, he groaned loudly and covered his eyes with your hands. "I hate this movie, (Y/n)! You know that too! I can't suffer through this tonight; I'm tired."

"No, you said you weren't going to back out of this, and you promised too. Now you just have to suffer through. I'll turn on the Sing Along  if you want, just so you could warm up your voice a bit; get it ready for tomorrow." You giggled.

The movie started, and soon the first song came on; The Star Of Something New. You sang with Gabriella while Reed sang along with Troy. By the song ended, you both were laughing hard enough that the neighbors were sure to hear and soon would come knocking on the front door to tell you both to be quiet.

The movie passed by quickly, and by the time it ended, you both had all of the songs stuck in your head with your voices ready to sing along with any other song that comes along your way.

You were breathing heavily as Reed pulled you close to him and rolled over, forcing both of you to lay on your sides. He wrapped his arms around your torso and squeezed you softly, relaxing afterwards.

You closed your eyes and was soon engulfed in the darkness of the Sleep Mode, four words still echoing throughout your brain;

"I love you, (Y/n)."

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