Chapter 10 - sun, sea and SAMS

Start from the beginning

to marry Lisa. Within 25 minutes the ceremony was over and Lisa Marie Newbury 

was now Lisa Marie Riley. That night Lisa and ghost found an empty room and had 

unsafe sex till the alarm was raised and hour later, everyone was on red alert and 

ghost had to get to the dry dock within 2 seconds. After about 2 minutes ghost found 

the dry dock and boarded the SDV. Ghost listened in on what the navy was saying. 

U.S.S. Chicago actual to dry-dock shelter, we have a go. SDV hangar flooded, full 

pressure. Begin deployment. MacTavish hit the button to go. Team one SDV is away 

over. Since MacTavish was at the wheel he had to know what he was doing. Hotel six, 

bearing zero one-niner over. MacTavish “copy”. Ghost hears transmissions from 

U.S.S. Dallas saying “U.S.S. Dallas, deploying team two, RV at objective out”. 

Hotel six, depth 20 meters, copy. MacTavish “copy out”. Ghost sees something ahead but 

finds out its team two. Both teams arrive at the objective and begin the mission. 

Team two radios Dallas to say they have started the mission. Ghost and his team are 

waiting for the signal to surface. Ghost thinks roach should take the first kill on 

this op and hangs back while MacTavish gets ready to take the other guy. With great 

coordination both Russians were killed without raising the alarm. Ghost pulls 

himself up while roach gets pulled up by 2 navy seals. MacTavish radios Dallas 

reporting “two hostiles down in section one-alpha. Moving up to section two”. The sub 

commander replies “roger that hotel six”. While climbing the stairs to deck one 

MacTavish tells everyone “keep it tight people, ready weapons. Move up” ghost has a 

visual on one tango having a smoke on some railings. MacTavish says to him “free to 

engage, suppressed weapons only”. Before roach could aim ghost fired and the Russian 

fell into the sea. Ghost radios “we’re clear” the sub commander radios hotel six 

“civilian hostages at your position. Watch your fire, out”. MacTavish told ghost, 

roach and a 3rd person to breach to right door while him and 2 others take the left 

door. With perfect sync both teams breached and killed all Russians. Ghost yells 

“clear” MacTavish informs the sub commander “we’re clear, hostages secured in section 

two echo, over” the sub Cmdr. replies “roger the hotel six, team two will secure 

and Evac, continue your search topside, out”. After a while of moving up, breaching 

one more room and fighting Russians the team are only a flight of stairs away from 

the top deck. MacTavish runs up the stairs while ghost follows. They kill the tangos 

that are defending the last room of hostages. MacTavish shouts “move up, let’s 

go! Those hostages aren’t going to save themselves you know!” the team is now on 

the top deck and the enemy has popped smoke everywhere. Ghost shouts “smokescreen!” 

MacTavish comments “these guys are a step up, there using thermal scopes to see 

through the smoke” after a while of shooting using thermal scopes the team hear 

over the radio from Dallas saying “hotel six, be advised; hostages have been 

confirmed at your location along with possible explosives, over” MacTavish shouts 

to everyone “all teams check your fire, we don’t know what’s behind these doors”. 

After the smoke clears and all thermal scoped tangos killed the team takes both 

doors and are ready to breach. On ghosts command both sides breach and clear. Ghost 

yells “clear” MacTavish shouts “room clear” he then radios U.S.S. Dallas “control, all 

hostages have been secured - I repeat all hostages are secured. Proceeding to LZ 

bravo, over” ghost tells roach to take the first little bird while he takes the next. 

Sub Cmdr. “good job hotel six, marine reinforcements are inserting now to 

dismantle the SAM sites. Get your team ready for phase two of the operation, out”. 

Lisa fly’s in with her little bird and picks up ghost and 3 others. As the little 

birds begin formation punisher talks over the radio “punisher to all flights in the 

vicinity of grid 255202, local airspace is secure. Proceed on course to target area on 

route November-two” ghost heard a marine shout “I want these SAMs secure in five!” 

more radio chatter continues “punisher this is hunter actual, hunter two-two is moving 

to secure the SAM site at the south west corner of main deck, hunter two-three is 

proceeding toward the nearest building to disarm the explosives. After a while later 

one last radio transmission broadcasted saying “punisher actual to all strike 

teams, ALL SAM site neutralized, blue sky in effect out” all little birds flow in 

formation towards the ship to get ready

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