"You want nothing more than for the other person to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own." I move my head a little to the right, kissing her neck on the purple mark I left. "You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are."

She takes a sharp inhale and I smirk. She tilts her head but that's not enough for me, I turn her around so she's facing me. My lips ghost on her jawline.

"They're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, it's the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity."

I can feel her slightly trembling, and I move my lips down to her collarbones. She places her hands on the nape of my neck.

"You want to show you're affection and devotion to each other. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them." I see one or two tears slip down her cheeks and I wipe them away, finishing with a kiss. "It can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. It's intense and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful. You should never let it go."

I breath out, my lips right by her ear. Brinley's eyes are closed, but her eyelashes still flutter.

"Any guesses?" I murmur, my lips trailing across her shoulders.

"Love." She whispers.

"I love you." I say, kissing her lips.

She pulls back a few inches to look me in the eyes. Blue orbs against brown.

"Niall, I love you too."

I smile a breath of relief, and kiss her lips.

"Niall, I love you, but I do need to get to second period. You don't want to marry a high school drop out do you?" She asks, pushing me away slightly

I try the puppy dog eyes on her but it doesn't work.

"I'll be here after school to pick you up." I say as she climbs out of the car. She nods, acknowledging my words then slams the door.


As I walk into school, I'm nervous for the fact that my face hasn't been see in these hallways in a while, and for the fact that Niall just told me he loved me. I think I never really realized it, but I'm glad I said it - I don't regret it. Not even one single letter. Ha. I take my vocabulary test and pass with an A, solidifying my grade for the year. The next few periods pass slowly, my brain feeling overworked. At lunch, I dial the hospital's number and impatiently wait for someone to pick up.

"You have reached the Children's Hospital, floor six. How may I help you?"

"Hey Molly! I just wanted to check up on Wesley. How is she doing? Is she hanging in there alright?" I can hear a heavy sigh and a pause.

"Wesley's breathing is more labored so we had to put her on a breathing machine to help her."

"When will she .. do they know when ... she's going to die?" I say softly.

"Sorry Brinley but there's no way to judge this."

"Is her family going to let me see her?"

"I don't think so. They just want to spend time with Brinley. Listen, if you come by for a few minutes at around 3 - I know that they'll be gone, they're going out to a late lunch together and coming back. Anyway, if you come by then you can probably say your final goodbyes then.

"Thank you Molly, I'll see you at three then." I hang up and run back inside the cafeteria.

I sigh contently. I'll be able to see Wesley again. Sure she won't notice me, but I can't leave her knowing I never got to properly say goodbye.


I pull out of the parking lot, and make my way back to the shelter when I get a phone call. Despite Brinley's wishes for me to stop texting and driving, I answer the call.

"Hello?" I ask, waiting at a red light.

"It's Damon. Doesn't matter what you're doing this weekend - you're coming to Florida. The boss wants you back for some unfinished business. Word on the street is your parents sent you some money to come here free of charge, so you have no reason not to come. And bring the girl, he's interested in her. Don't forget the oath."

He hangs up from there, leaving me cursing at his words and the drivers in front of me. I can't drag Brinley into this. She's too innocent. It's not like I can pick her up and put her on an airplane. She'll come kicking and screaming if she has to leave Wesley. I rub my face, thinking of a solution. I could try and hide from them but they'll find me. The stupid. Fucking. Oath.

I scratch at my shoulder, my nails hovering over the memory. I scream with my forehead on the steering wheel, tired of everything. If it wasn't for Brinley and Aubrey I would kill myself right now, but I know I can't. I can't beat them, I can't hide, but what if I ...? In a spurt of pure genius, I head over to the hospital.

With every exit sign I pass however, the guilt sits heavier and heavier on my shoulders. Why would I mess with something like this? I'm an asshole, I'm an asshole, I'm an asshole. I repeat in my head, my mantra ripping at my entire being. I don't even deserve to live after this. I don't deserve to even look at Brinley. If only she could know about the oath. Why do we always regret the decisions we make when we're young? The sooner I get this over with, the sooner everything will be done. I'm going insane. I pray on everything I have that Wesley's family won't be by her side but they are. Shit. I take the check out of my pocket and present it to who I am assuming is the dad.

"Take it. All of it. I just need a favor out of you."


I step outside of school, happier then I've ever been since I've heard of Wesley's health. I talked with a counsler and part of the administration staff. They talked to Stacy at the shelter and figured out all my community service hours. With the situation I'm in with Wesley, they believe it's alright for me to take the last week of school off and to start summer early. It's summer for me. Niall's car is waiting outside for me like he said he would. I slide into the seat, resting my papers at my feet.

"Is it alright if we go and see Wesley? Molly said that her family won't be there from three to five so I can go visit her. I just want to see how she's holding up."

I notice how his knuckles tighten on the steering wheel, and the way his jaw is locked.

"Of course."

He obviously doesn't want to talk, but I'm just scared that it's because of what he said earlier this morning. My thoughts keep eating away at me until I can't stand it anymore.

"Your angry or nervous. Is it because of what you said earlier this morning? Because-" Niall cuts me off with a quick kiss to my lips.

"No. It's not that. I just have some things on my mind, but it's nothing to be concerned about."

Lies. Lies. Lies. I've never seen something like this bug him that much, and it looks like he could go take on the Hulk. The truth will come out eventually but I'm just worried what effect it'll have on my life.

Please just spend a little bit of your time reading one of the chapters in my new series 'Imagines'. Tell me if you like it or not! Thank you! :)

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