Chapter 18-The Last Year

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When she had reached the gardens, the king stood waiting for her. He wore his evening attire, a red coat that dragged along the ground, and a black tunic with his hair, as always, let down.

"I apologize for missing tea, it completely slipped my mind." Catalina joined him at his side.

"It's not a problem, I understand." There was a neglected tone in his voice, and Catalina found herself feeling very guilty. Her heart was beginning to beat faster, and her cheeks started getting warm. He gave her an odd feeling, and she could tell he knew.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to ask you about Asgard," the king said.

"What do you want to know?"

"About your choosing. Which side will you choose?"

Catalina frowned, finally remembering. Her father had mentioned choosing between the two realms, where she would live after all was said and done. Yet, the obvious answer seemed to be Asgard. But as she thought about it, the decision became harder.

"I don't know," she said truthfully. She watched the king's eyes. They were a beautiful blue-gray, but there seemed to be sadness hidden in them. Why? She wondered.

"Ignorance is bliss my lady," the king whispered, his voice quiet. He looked at her, "bliss indeed." He leaned in, and Catalina waited for his lips, her heart racing.

"My lord?" She stopped him as he came closer. "What do you mean by that?" He was confusing her so that her head seemed to spin, everything so confounding that she couldn't bear it.

"I'm sure you'll find out in time, but I will not be the first one to tell you."
He kissed her, his hand sliding behind her neck and his other hand wrapping around her hand.
It all felt so familiar, so right, yet wrong. Catalina saw his young face flash in front of her. She pulled away, now wishing to find answers.

"Why are you young?" She asked, desperation in her voice.
The king shook his head, unsure of what she was talking about.
"Whenever you kiss me, I see your face, it flashes in front of me, and you're young; then you're the same again. I don't understand, tell me what I am seeing. I feel as if I am going insane!"

The elven king sighed. He knew. He knew she was remembering. But he could not tell her.

"I cannot tell you much my lady, but I can say one thing: you know me. You've walked with me before, once in a dream. I am familiar to you, but only in your dream," he said.

Catalina frowned. His words sounded as if she had heard them before as well.

After their talk in the garden, Catalina went back to her room, completely befuddled. She sat on her bed and sighed, irritated at all of the things she couldn't understand.

She reached for her music box and wound it up, and watched as the little horse turned round to the music.

I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream.
I know you,
That look in your eyes is so familiar
a gleam.
And I know it's true that visions are
seldom what they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do,
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.

It was then that it hit her. The song! He was referring to the song!
Catalina groaned and fell face down on her bed and screamed into the pillow. Why was life so complicated? Why couldn't one simply get an answer to a simple question? Especially if it was a very pressing question to the proposer.

"I walked with you once upon a dream," said Catalina.

The king had been speaking in riddles, and the princess seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into the riddles of her life; so much so that it felt as if she were becoming entangled inside of them.
"Why?" She asked. "Why?"


"Princess, I would like to let you know something," Iellwen the maid came into the princess's room from the washroom, folding a towel.


"I wish to tell you how much I have enjoyed your stay here. You have been a cherished friend to me, and I will always keep you in my thoughts when you are back in Asgard." She said.

"The year is not yet over," Catalina stood up, not quite sure of why Iellwen was choosing this time to tell her goodbye.

"I know, but I suppose goodbyes are harder to give at the end. It is easier said in advance." She replied, tears glistening inside her eyes. "You've been like a daughter to me, since I was never able to have one. My husband died in the Last Alliance." She sniffled and Catalina wrapped her arms around her, an image suddenly flashing in front of her: an elven warrior falling to the ground, an arrow in her back.

"I'm sorry," Catalina hugged Iellwen, a part of her unknown to her truly feeling the maid's pain. "You were as my mother here."

Iellwen gasped and squeezed Catalina, tears streaming down her face.
"I love you my child," she said.

"I love you too." The princess replied, now realizing that making the choice between Asgard and Mirkwood would be harder than she initially thought.

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