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David POV
We saw Henry run down an alley for some reason. We all ran after him and when we got there Henry was on the ground and a figure was jumping off fence, out of reach. Henry slowly got up and grabbed his jaw, he was bleeding.
"What the hell happened, kid" Emma said checking out the wound. It seemed familiar.
"That bitch stole dad's watch" Henry said brushing Emma's hands from his face and turning back to the fence.
"LANGUAGE" Regina said angrily but still pitying her son.
"Wait how did this happen?" Snow questioned but she had a look in her eye of excitement. It wasn't until then that I noticed what she was thinking.
"She bumped into me, stole my wallet and my dad's watch. I followed her down and caught her, but right when I pinned her down she grabbed a flashlight and whaled on me." Henry said wiping blood from his chin.

Snow Pov
"Well when we go home I'll fix that up for you" Regina said in her usual aggravated tone. But I couldn't let that happen, this was too important. I had to think of an excuse.
"NO!" I said quickly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a small smile from Charming but no one noticed thank God.
"Why?" Violet asked. Shit I forgot about her.
"Well, it'll fuel your, um, sense of justice. Make you remember right from wrong" Henry might be a good kid but I could see by his facial expression how strange i sounded.
"Right" Hook agrees, I could tell he knew what me and David were trying to do.
"Let's get going, Emma, Regina, can I talk to you." David says, this is going to be weird. As I walked away with Henry and the others.

Emma Pov

"OK what's up." I said to dad after we were in private.
"Have you noticed anything familiar about this?" Dad says with a huge grin.
"My son getting robbed, no not really." Regina said annoyed.
He looked at me for a minute, annoyed, until I finally got there.
"No way."
"Oh come on, One even when you changed the time line it happened with me and your mother. Two you punched and betrayed Hook when you met him. Three Regina and Robin hated each other at first. And Fourth Neal met you after he stole, and you stole, a car. Not to mention the chin cut." David seemed excited and nervous, as if he's been waiting for this. And the thought of Neal threw me off a bit.
"Dad those are good points, but this is the real world, and New York, shit happens." I tried to seem as if I was thinking rationally. I looked to Regina for some back up but she was insanely quiet.
"He's 15 that can't be happening." Regina said trying to soothe herself.
"Are you guys kidding me." I said to Dad and Regina.
"It is kinda a tradition with our family. Even with Neal, Emma." David said, a bit of a tremble in his voice.
"Well, um, what do we do, do we go after her?" I asked still processing.
"NO! That's a horrible idea. We need to make sure this is the real thing." Dad roared then he calmed down.
"Then what do you suggest, Shepard?" Regina was getting angry.
"Nothing we are going to let fate play out." Dad put his hand on me and Regina's shoulders, knowing he just told us our baby was about to have his life totally change.
We  walked out of the alley and saw Henry and Violet laughing. I felt bad, not just knowing what I knew, but for Violet. I always thought she was nice.

The Keeper (Once Upon A Time)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum