" oh , I forgot that you have crush on him so that's why you forgive him easily ! " I yelled and storm into my room and locked it  . Yes , he have crush on zayn before we got together. He told me about that but giving up because zayn likes harry . I lay on my bed and begin to sleep . Wanted to cool down my angriest.

Louis Pov 

After having lunch with harry , we got back home . And continue what we are doing at the restaurant . No sex , because both of us aren't ready . So after that moments,  we are just laying on the sofa while cuddling and watching a movie . Suddenly my eyes start to blurry and I blink my eyes . It's still blurry . The movie start to spinning. I blink my eyes again . This time I get a clear vision.  I got up and smile to harry saying that I need to use restroom . He nods and continued to watch the movie. 

I walk slowly to the bathroom.  Once I was there , I opened the cabinet on the top of it which is where I keep my medicine. I took a couple of pill and swallow it . I sat down on the toilet seat and calming myself.  I'm soo dizzy .

Flashbacks 1 month ago

I was sitting on the bench outside the hospital.  Harry was at the uni because he have class and I force him to go because it's important to harry's future. " Louis Tomlinson " I heard my name got called by the doctor which I remember he took my blood test before this . " yes ? " I said simply . " can I talk you in my room for a minute ? " I nods and he start to push my wheelchair to the direction of his room .

" um . You need to do the surgery and the chemo as soon as possible. '' the doctor said when he sit down on his chair . " for what doctor ? You told me before this I can live not less than 1 year and I think its a fucking ridiculous  . Who are you to say that ? " I said angrily . The doctor just sigh and said " Mr.tom- " "call me Louis ! " " alright.  Louis , should I recommend you another doctor to make you believe in me ? " he said sighing .

" you know what , what if I told you .. I refused to die ? I have a happy life now . Why didn't take my life before this ? I'm happy why must destroy it ? I take care of myself dearly, I eat healthy food everyday , I even tried to get my legs working again . I'd be able to walk again after this but why this stupidly cancer choose me ? So , what will you do if I refuse to die ? " I said crying my eyes out .

" do the surgery then , that's the only thing can help " the doctor said encouragingly.  " you do know right , the percentage of me living after the surgery will be 40 percent ? " I yelled at the doctor . " at least we tried Louis ! " he replied simply . I chuckle while wiping my tear . " am I an experiment to you ? Well , guess what I won't do the surgery , the chemo or whatever you suggest . Just give me the medicine!  "

" we can give you the medicine but it won't help to get rid of those cancer Louis ! " he said again . I rolled my wheelchair to the door and smirk to the doctor " at least I tried . "  With that I leave the doctor .

End of the flashback

" Lou ? Are you okay ? " I heard harry knock at the door . I hummed and get up and put the medicine back in the place . I open the door and Harry was in front me . I faked smile and he hold me . " you look kinda pale . Are you sure you okay ? " he said , worries clear in his voice.  " yea , I'm okay . Let's go to bed yea.  I'm sleepy " I said while walking towards the bedroom. Harry put his hand around my waist and bring me to the bedroom.

Once we arrived at the bedroom, I  slumped my body on the bed . I heard harry chuckle and he quickly on my side . When he lay down next to me , I put my head on his chest while harry wrapping his arm around my waist . " I love you hazza . I love you soo much that I'm afraid to hurts you . I'm sorry. " I said while crying . Harry rubbed my back and said " I love you too . Forever and always . You will never hurt me love so no need to apologise alright ?" he kissed on the top of my head  .

I'm sorry hazza . I love you soo much and I don't want to hurt you by leaving you . I don't want that happens. I want to leave you when you got someone to make you happy which isn't me . I need to make you hate me . I don't care if I was hurting but that's the only way to make both of us happy.  I love you and you will always in my heart . I'm sorry hazza . I'm really sorry .

You will always be My Hazza till the day I was gone.

Sorry for any typo , missing words or grammar mistakes.

Love you reader . Thanks for reading and voting . Thanks a lot . Lots of love , Az.

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