Mirror, Mirror

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              She puts the stupid white hair in a high ponytail...well technically I'm doing it, but apparently she my conscious now. I see her in the mirror. So technically I can only see you? I ask. Yes! And bring a pocket mirror wherever you go. She instructs. I take down my pajama pants and put on tight white yoga pants. This is against dress code. I argue. But it's not against my code! She reasons. Why do you have to school with me? I whine. Why did you spill me? She whines back. This is the deal. You spill me, you live with me, then you free me. Unless you do what the other two did. She trails off biting her lip. What? I ask. Nothing. She quickly announces. I walk to my drawer and look in it. Of course, I grab a crop top. A crop top! I only got that for the summer! And I didn't even wear it out! Trust me, I can adapt to any time period within a decade. I blink. Just kidding! I already know! She quickly answers. Also this outfit won't be a problem, you were lying about the dress code! I can see your conscious thoughts! Yay! The belts out in my head. I throw the top on. She walks me to my bathroom and has me open the medicine cabinet. Not the make up! I whine. Yes the make up! In my day we had strawberries, that would give us rashes! I want this, I need this! She argues back. I'm coated with light red lipstick, light pink blush to give my cheeks a little tint of pink and light pink eyeshadow with mascara. Ugh! These legs! Lotion! She says clearly disgusted. I rub lotion all over my legs and arms. And my face! (The parts without make up.) We're beautiful! She exclaims. I put on my gold and white Nike shoes. I grab my book bag and white leather purse and walk to the shed where my bike was kept. I open the light handmade doors and take it out. I start biking away towards hades, or more like school. Oh, hades! I love that place! She tries to lighten up. I smile  as I park my bike by the building. I walk in, a little embarrassed, everyone stared at me. The seventh graders, the eight graders and the sixth graders. I smile and wave. Finger wave! Ugh!

          At the end of this stupid valley girl day, my crush, came and sat on the hard oakwood bench. I had so many splinters from it and it was only the second quarter. I look up, hey Valka! Noah says in a slightly less whiney voice than usual. I look around critically puzzled. He sits down next to me. Me? Of course you, silly! I was just wondering if you'd like to come to my pool party tomorrow? He asks his pistachio green eyes sparkled in the beautiful sunshine. Sure thing! I can't wait! I lie, I had not talked to him ever since fifth grade. I'm not invisible to him, i'm just a true inconvenience. He only talks to me if he has questions or something. Cool! See you then. He smiles his charming bracey smile. I look down again and pull out a pocket mirror, She appears. I'm so dead! I whisper. Nan Pierre looks at me quizzically, then smiles. She whispers to her friends and one of them pull out their phone. I hear my phone buzz, why do I even have her number? I look at the text. It read,

mirror, mirror in my hand
Who's the ugliest in the land
Oh right, you!

I turn it off immediately. Vengeance! Yay! She exclaims. No! I put down. Your no fun. She says as close the mirror.

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