Twelve To be Exact

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I stare in horror as the perfume climbs around me like a staircase. I hear the smallest cackle then the perfume reaches my face. It goes straight up into my mouth, I attempt to scream but my mouth would not form an a shape and no sound would come at all. My feet weren't touching the ground anymore, my mouth closes and I look around. Strips of white chalked up my hair then turned it completely white, a lace necklace clasps my throat and spiky bracelets form on my wrists with black leather bands. I slowly look at the mirror in which I came through. In one motion I slowly levitate to it. My eyes were a dark violet with a tinge of blue around the ring. A tear rolls down my face slowly until it drops onto the marble floor. Splat. I could hear it, the water drip down. Then my form on the mirror falls to the ground mistaken to be dead! Then it reforms and comes up as a whole new girl. Can little miss baby not hold a tear? She teases. Who are you! why are you here? How can you talk? I question defensively. Questions! Questions! Questions! What is it with mortals and QUESTIONS! She spits. I fall  to the ground, not anticipating it. Well I am the Witch of that perfume. This little, what is your putrid word? Mo-Moderna? What is it numbskull? TELL ME NOW PEASANT! She commands fearlessly. I whimper a little, then take a deep breath. Why don't you ask yourself? And you call me a numbskull? I snap at her. She smirks mischievously, I like you! I'm going to love living in your body for eternity! Well whatever it is, before this ground was exactly where the witch trials of Kansas were held. Of course no one knows about it, it was held by the government secretly and they actually thought that little girls were the real ones and would defeat it early. Some girls were innocent, twelve to be exact, of course I was a real witch. But I wasn't up to any bad! All the girls were killed here and they beg me for freedom, of course there's three that were evil witches. As soon as you free us I will leave you alone forever. Of course unless you want to be friends? She explains in great detail. I shake my head viciously. Just for a millisecond she looks hurt then sucks it up. Truly all I want is justice! Of course I do have a little of a...wild side I guess you could say. I wasn't really a good child. She reasons even farther. Fine! I give in. I look at the once again and see my brown hair, bare wrists and freed neck. She falls to the ground "dead." She reforms to me again. Then the chalky white hair, lace necklace and spiky leather collar like bracelets come. Lets begin. I turn around grab the book and stomp out of the mirror.

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