Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning

Start from the beginning

I had been so foolish, and to add to that foolishness feeling, it would seem my time in the small prison had come to an end. John suddenly dug a key from his pocket and unlocked my cell door. He then reached for me and with bruising strength he grabbed my arm and pulled me hard.

I tried to fight him, but even though my captor was thirty years older than I and much more portly, he was strong. His strength was almost supernatural. He flung me hard towards the table with the straps and without much grace I fell right into it, smashing my face hard into the boards. I tasted the salty, metallic taste of blood in my mouth from banging my lip into my teeth, but I didn’t waste a moment. I quickly tried to scramble to my feet, and tried to run away, but John caught my arm again and without much effort he flipped me over. I found myself on my back and rather dazed. Moments later my feet and hands were being restrained.

John then dug a small box from his pocket which had a button on it. He pressed it and put the box back in his pocket.

I struggled against my restraint but it did little good. The leather straps around each of my wrists, which were tied above my head, were so tight that if I wiggled much more the leather would cut into my flesh. My ankles were also tied in a similar fashion. And to add to my sorrow, from the corner of my eye I saw Keane emerge from the woods.

He walked at a slow pace, his feet crushing the frost kissed ground. He approached with such confidence and menace; he would have put the greatest general of any war to shame. I felt my heart speed up at the sight of him. As he walked closer, he pulled out a long sword from his side and what looked like a gun in the other hand. His approach had not gone unnoticed either, John had also seen him. He quickly stood tall next to me and to my shock he was smiling.

As Keane got closer, it was like watching a hero in a movie. His slow, careful approach, as if he were a great hunter stalking its prey. The killer determined look in his face and the lethal stare he gave John should have made him fearful.

-"Let her go." Keane yelled, when he got in shouting distance. "And no one will get hurt."

I could see he had his gun aimed at John. But John didn’t seem too bothered by this. His lips still held a confident smile as he kept his own deathly stare on Keane.

-"I assume you are Keane, the warrior of the shadow world." John said confidently.

Keane had not stopped approaching and kept coming much closer to us. His face was angry, his normally pale white complexion was stained with several blotched of red on his cheeks and forehead. His face was hard and if I didn’t know he was coming to save me, I would have been terrified. He looked every bit the old warrior he was. I heard the gun being cocked.

-"This is your last chance. Let her go." His voice was strong and his British accent was much heavier.

-"I would think twice before you shoot me." John said with a confident smirk. "That table your lovely lady is strapped too is loaded with explosives and I'm the only one with the password to turn it off. If you kill me, she is dead."

Keane stopped a few feet from us. He paused for a moment at John's words. As he did so I didn’t miss the quick blur of movement which was running towards us. Zak was now running to us as well.

-"What do you want?" Keane asked, with a deadly edge to his voice.

-"I only have one demand." John smiled.

-"Which is?"

-"For you to surrender yourself to me." John said with seriousness.

-"Ana!" Zak ran up to the other side of John. "Let her go asshole, I got more guys in the woods, we got you severally outnumbered." Zak glared at John.

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