Chapter 18- Waiting

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***Ugh I have been having this problem of accidentally writing in third person instead of in first. If you see any of that in this or any of my previous chapters please let me know. Ughhhhh. And also, Lashton omgggggg. Love you my imaginary readers. Please dont hate me.***

I am have been sitting here for over an hour. I look down at my phone as a nervous habit and see no notifications. I sigh. It feels as though I have been sitting there for an eternity. I keep asking if Luke is okay but no one will tell me anything because I am is not a relative. That's shit though. I should be allowed to go in and see him.

I get up to go get a soda from the soda machine. I sit back down and drink my soda. Why is this taking so long? I fidget with the soda in my hands. I can't stand this wait.

"Luke Hemmings." I jump up and rush over to the doctor who said his name. "Are you Ashton?" He asks me and I nod. "He is awake and wants to see you." He tells me and I follow him through a door.

"Is Luke okay?" I ask the doctor.

He sighs and turns around stopping mine in my tracks. "He passed out from undernourishment. He appears to be anorexic and needs to start eating or his life could be at stake. We are giving him fluids to help get some nourishment back into his body but he is still pretty weak." The doctor tells me and my jaw drops slightly.

Why hadn't I picked up on this earlier? The signs were definitely there, but I chose to ignore them instead of helping him. I hang my head in shame as I walk into the room. I look up and see Luke sitting in bed and Calum in the chair next to him.

Why the hell was he here? That's when it hit me. Calum is Luke's roommate. I glare at Calum while I walk over to Luke. I look down at him and my eyes soften dramatically. "You okay?" I ask him stupidly. Of course, he's not okay. He nods anyway. "You need to start eating, Luke," I tell him.

"I know. I want to. For you. I don't know what it is that I feel yet, I know that I feel something for you. It's more than friendship. It might not yet be love but I know that I feel something strong for you. I don't know what you feel. For all, I know you hate me. But, I want to get better for you. So, I can be there for you. Help you." He told me with tears streaming down his face.

I just sit there for a minute in shock but then regain my composer. "I feel something for you too. Just the thought of losing you made me break down crying. I want to be with you. I want to help too." I tell him. With tears in my eyes, I lean down next to his bed and hug him tight.

He pulls back and kisses my lips softly. It was a nice sweet short kiss that was full of emotion. He pulls back and I laugh quietly. "I have wanted to do that since the day I first met you," I tell him quietly and he laughs as well.

Calum clears his throat loudly and I look over glaring at him. "What the hell do you want?" I snap loudly. Luke looks at me with a million question running through his head behind those bright eyes.

"Um, the doctor said Luke could leave." He tells us sheepishly. I look down at Luke and help him into a sitting position.

We get up and help Luke out the door toward the lift. We get on the bus toward campus. I walk him to his door and make sure he gets in safely before going back to my dorm. I walk in and Michael is sitting on him bed smiling softly. The room smells like cheap cologne. Mikey must have overdone it again, I think as I go and lay down on my bed falling soundly asleep.

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