Days Gone Bye

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I turned away from my window which the sun was peering through.

At this point I was awake, and I was one that could not return to rest after being awoken.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

I rose up and threw the covers off.

I looked at my phone and saw 8:43 a.m. Saturday, January 4.

I yawned again.

I sat there dozed off.

I jumped randomly and put my feet down on the floor.

I stood up and walked over to my vanity.

I looked in the mirror, my eyes were droopy and dead and my hair looked like a rats nest.

I shook my head and opened my door and walked to my bathroom.

It was only the fourth day of 2014 and I planned on brushing my teeth every morning.

I had a bad habit in years past to only brush a night, so this year one of my New Years Resolutions was to brush morning and night.

I brushed my teeth and then washed my face.

I wiped my face of with a towel and ran down stairs.

I met my family at the table.

My family consisted of my mom (Alice), my dad (Everette), and my seven year old sister (Chelsea).

"Your plates on the counter sweetheart." My mom said.

I shook my finger at her.

"Remember this year I'm eating healthier.." I said.

My mom rolled her eyes.

"You say that every year..." Chelsea said.

I gave her a death look.

"One of these years its bound to happen..." I told her.

"Your loss" My dad said with his mouth full, grabbing my plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Well I guess one of these years... but it never happens..." Chelsea teased.

"You gained like 8 pounds last year.." She said laughing.

"Yes.. I also plan on losing weight" I said, grabbing greek yogurt out of the fridge.

Chelsea laughed. "Youd have to stop eating regularly" She said.

I turned around and opened my mouth.

"Don't you say it" My mom said.

I squinted my eyes at Chelsea.

"And you knock it off" My mom told Chesea.

I turned back and got Special K cereal out of the pantry.

I dumped the yogurt into a bowl and poured some of the cereal into it.

I put the box back in the pantry and threw away the yogurt package.

I made some coffee and poured it in my snowman mug.

Then I sat down at the table.

Doc Mcstuffins was on.

All of the sudden we heard the buzzing sound that usually means tornado or severe storm warning.

Everyone listened except Chelsea, who was to busy playing with her food.

"A severe outbreak has just occurred. DEAD people are eating others. It seems to be a disease you get infected if you are bit or scratched by the infected dead. EVERYONE STAY INSIDE TILL THE OUTBREAK IS TAKEN CARE OF. If you are infected go to the nearest hospital, clinic, or doctors office immediately following bite." The news woman said.

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