Chapter 9: Quiditch

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~the next day~
So today was the day that after lunch me and Harry needed to go to Oliver so he could explain us what quiditch is. I've got seriously no idea, I often played baseball, soccer, hockey, volleyball and basketball at school. But never in my life have I played quiditch. We went to breakfast, and this time I didn't have a hard time with getting up. I didn't know what happened, and Hermione and Cassidy didn't know either. She said it came from the fact that after lunch I was on a 'date' with Wood as she called it. Then Cassidy was totally fangirling "Wait what, you got a date with Wood? How come I don't know anything about it?" she said while glaring playfully at me. "Because it's not a date as Mione says, Harry is with me and he's going to explain Quiditch to us Jeez". "Did you see how nervous he was, this is sooooo a date", "No Hermione, listen to me carefully. THERE IS NO DATE, HE DOESN'T LIKE ME. He's fifteen and I'm eleven so he's 4 years older than me, so he DOESN'T LIKE ME". They still didn't got the message, see this is why girls are so annoying. They were giving me weird looks like they didn't believe me, which they didn't. Stupid Hermione and Cassidy, with their stupid conclusions. I went downstairs with Mione and Cassidy and I saw the twins, my brothers, Ron and Oliver. I said hi, and Fred and George turned around "Holy Merlin, Soph you know it's 6 o'clock right? Don't you need to still sleep?" "Yeah, I know its weird but I just couldn't sleep." I shrugged but everyone was surprised even the teachers, okay well that's so good for me self confidence. Then other people came into the great hall and they said things like "omg, look at that. Sophie is up and it's 6 o'clock. Something isn't right here". I rolled my eyes and snapped at them "yeah, so what I'm up before 7. Who cares, now stop annoying me and stay out of my business got it". "Damn Soph, you got quite a temper. I suggest that you would just go back to bed" George said. "Shut up George and give me my pizza". He gave it to me and I already felt better, I hugged him and said "I'm sorry Georgie. I'm just not a morning person" then he laughed and said "yes, that I already knew. But why couldn't you sleep, did you dream about me? Because then I'm sorry that dream me had to wake you up". I laughed, "thanks George, but no you were not the problem". "Yes, only Cassidy and I know why she couldn't sleep" Hermione said mischievously. They smirked, then George said "Oh yeah, Granger and what was that?" he asked smirking. "Hermione, no that's not it." Then she couldn't talk further because to my luck the owls had arrived, I know I won't get anything but still it was fun to watch. Then I saw Yin, Yang, Hedwig and a lot of other owls carry two packages who looked like brooms, they landed in front of me and Yin sat on my shoulder. Yang on Max's and Hedwig on Harry's shoulder, then I saw a note which said
"DO NOT OPEN THE PARCEL AT YOUR TABLE. It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everyone knowing you two got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood has already discussed when you're Quiditch session is.
Professor M. McGonagall."
Then people were all chattering about it, Hermione said to George that he needed to come closer and whispered something in his ear. But she said it so quietly that I couldn't hear, George was mad and walked away. "Bye, I forgot that I still need to do my homework." "But you've never made your homework?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah, maybe I want to start now." He left and I turned to Fred, "Fred, what the hell was that about?" "I've got no idea, but I will ask him okay?" "Yes, thanks Freddie. Love ya, big bro". He chuckled and ruffled my hair then he said "Love you too little sis" then he was gone. Harry, Hermione, Cassidy and I went to the common room to unpack our package, it was the same Nimbus 2000 we stared at in the window in Diagon Alley. We went to class and after class we had lunch. I must say I was a bit nervous, but that was only because of Hermione and Cassidy. I went with Harry to the quiditch pitch, then I saw Oliver. He smiled when he saw us and he had a large chest with him. He put it on the ground and motioned for us to come closer. Then he was explaining to us that there were 7 players, 3 chasers; me, Angelina and Alicia. The chasers needed to score points with a bal called the quaffle by throwing it through the hoop of the other team. Then there were 2 beaters; Fred and George, who needed to protect the team but mostly Harry for bludgers. Bludgers are really nasty balls who can cause a lot of pain if you get hurt by them. Then there's the seeker; Harry who need to find the tiniest ball called the snitch. It's worth 150 points, and if someone catches it the game is over. And last but not least there's a keeper and that's Oliver, he needs to block the quaffle so the other team can't score. Then he opened up the chest and there were the quaffle, bludgers and the snitch, he opened up the iron chains who surrounded the bludger so it wouldn't escape. He gave me a beaters bat and he told me to watch out. The bludger shoot in the air and when it came back I hit it and it flew through the two swords on a statue so it flew through the hole. "Not bad Potter, you would also make a great Beater" he smiled at me and I smiled back. Then we were in the air doing some tricks, me with the quaffle and Harry with a little bal who looked like the snitch. It went good, then Oliver said it was already time to eat dinner. We went to the great hall and I saw Fred, but I didn't see George. "Sup Fred, where's George?" "he's in his room", "why?" "That's something you need to ask him himself, so how was it with Oliver" I don't know why but it was like he was a bit sad or irritated, "it went well, why?" "Oh, just asking. You know me I'm curious", "yes you are, but I think I will take two plates and go to George and see how he's doing". "Okay, but I don't think he wants to see you". Seriously what's wrong with him? Before I went to George I said bye to the trio, Max, Fred and Cassidy, then I took two plates full with food and made my way up to the common room. When I was there I walked up the stairs to Fred and George's room. I knocked on the door "Hello, George? Are you there? Fred told me you didn't came downstairs to eat and I was worried so I brought you some food". He didn't answer, so I tried to open the door but it didn't work it was locked. I did the Alohomora spell and walked inside, I saw him sitting on the bed. He wasn't happy at all, he looked like someone took his heart and stamped on it multiple times. "George are you okay?" still no reply. "Please Georgie, talk to me." I told him, I was almost crying. No I think I was crying, "P-P-Please Georg-g-g-ie talk t-t-to me". Then he turned around and saw me crying then his face softens and he took the two plates I was holding and put them on his nightstand, then he sat on the bed in silence. When I was able to talk again I asked him "George, what's wrong? You know you can tell me everything, I'm your best friend and you're mine. Please talk to me" then he opened his mouth and said "How was your date with Oliver" while trying to smile. I was confused "Date? You thought that I had a date with Oliver, how the hell did you come up with that?" "Hermione told me" "she told you that?" he nodded yes. "She's so dead when I see her, no George I wasn't on a date with Oliver". "Wait, you wasn't?" I laughed "no, of course not. He needed to teach me and Harry quiditch because we made it too the team." "So that's why you went with Oliver." "Yes of course, Hermione and Cassidy are telling me the whole time it's a date. And I constantly need to tell them that it's not. Okay I mean, Oliver is pretty cute. But he's 4 years older then me, he's like an almost adult. He's way too old for me." At that he relaxed, "wait the reason you were mad was because someone told you I had a date with Oliver?" "Well yes, I was worried that you would spend all your time with him and not with me and Fred. And I was also mad that you wouldn't have told me". "Of course I would have spent time with you and Fred. You're my best friends and my family, if I would date someone who says that I don't need to spend much time with you and Fred then I will dump him. And I will not just dump him but I would do it Weasley twin style, I would dump a bucket with gross stuff in it. And if I would date a boy I will tell Fred and you, you already are the first ones I want to tell oh and Lee too before he get's mad at me". Then we hugged for a long time, then I said "so, now all that is sorted are you hungry?" he laughed and said "yeah, I'm pretty hungry. I didn't think this plan through, it was a rather drastic decision". "Hey George?" "Yeah" "would you mind if I...... uhm, if I would sleep in your dorm tonight?" I hoped he would say yes, I'm so not looking forward to go to my own dorm with all those girls. "I need to ask the others, but the only ones sleeping in this dorm are me, Fred and Lee so I think it will be alright". "But you guys got 4 beds, why are you with just the three of you?" "Well that is because all the roommates we had hated our pranks so nobody wants to sleep here". "Okay, I think I would be the only one who should want to sleep with you three", then I laughed real hard. Just the thought of me, Fred, George and Lee sharing a room was amazing, I could imagine it already. "I think I need to go to my dorm to get my stuff", "okay, then I will find Fred and Lee and ask them." "See you soon Georgie", then I went to my dorm and I said bye to Cassidy and Hermione while glaring at Mione and got my stuff. I walked back to Fred, George and Lee's room. There I saw them all three and we all said at the same time "PILLOW FIGHT", then we all picked up a pillow and we had a pillow fight. We also talked a lot, mostly about which girl they liked. George said he didn't like anyone and Fred liked Angelina, I just knew it since the first time I saw them together. And Lee was a lot more difficult because he liked almost every girl in Gryffindor, then they asked me if I liked someone and I said no. They didn't believe me, and it wasn't true either. I knew that it was not true because I kind of like George. We also talked about ideas for pranks, "Damn women, you really are evil" Lee told me when I told them my ideas for pranks. "Really, you just found that out and not the first time when you met me?" "No, then you were just a sweet little girl who liked jokes and now your just one of the most crazy people I've ever known. I even begin to think your even more crazier than Fred and George and that has never happened before but I love you even more". "Thanks Lee, that's why we're best friends because we're all crazy" "Yes, that's true" they all said at the same time. We laughed and told jokes, it lasted till ten o'clock or so and I said "Good night guys" and hugged them. They hugged me too and said "Good night Sophie", then we all fell asleep. But I had a bad dream and I woke up, normally I go to Max or Harry, or both when we slept in one bed at the Durlsey's (no not like that, I meant that we hadn't much room for more than one bed and the floor isn't that comfortable), and cuddle with him/them. But they weren't here, so I walked to the only logically person; George. I whispered to him "Georgie, are you up", he didn't reply so I shook him awake and he panicked, then he saw me and relaxed. "What are you doing? Wait don't you need to be asleep?" "Yeah, but I had a bad dream and normally I go to Max or Harry but they're not here. So I was thinking..." I didn't need to say more, he took his covers and pulled it up so I could lay under it. He lay on his back and put his arm under my head, then he pulled me to him and wrapped me in with his other arm. So my head was laying on his chest, "Night Georgie", "Night Sophie". Then I fell asleep and I didn't get a nightmare, not even a single one. I think I even smiled in my sleep.
~the next day~
I woke up to people chuckling and talking. "OMG they're so cute!" I heard someone say, "yes I know Cassidy, and now be quiet before you wake them". Well its already to late for that, oh wait I'm still laying on his chest only now I'm laying on top of him with my head under his chin. This is the BEST SLEEP OVER EVER, then I heard a flash from a camera I think, and I heard a giggle which I was 100 percent sure of that it was Hermione. Then I heard Hermione and Cassidy leave and only Fred and Lee were here, "hey Fred, do we need to wake them up?" "No, let them sleep. I think it's pretty cute". Then they also left, I just lay there with my eyes closed, listening to his steady heartbeat. Then I felt him waking up, I still had my eyes closed I just wanted to see what he would do. I felt his head go down and he kissed my head, omg I'm dying of cuteness. "Morning, Soph", then I faked waking up. I yawned and said "morning Georgie", he smiled and then I rolled of him onto the floor. "I'm going to change now, I'll be right back" he nodded and smiled, for the first time in my life I felt butterflies. OMG I FANCY GEORGE WEASLEY! I looked in the mirror and was repeating it in my head forever, omg it is true I really like him. Oh shit, I know I thought he was cute but I didn't think I would like him. "You know, I know you're a girl but I didn't think you would take so much time with changing". He chuckled and his chuckle is so cute, no don't. This is such a mess, damn the live of an English teenage fangirl is hard. But it would be more awful if I was a teenage fangirl in the Netherlands. I was done changing and I left the bathroom so he could change too, he only needed one minute. "How come you only need one minute to change? Do you got super powers or something?" I asked him jokingly, "Well no, I don't have any super powers. But I think it's because I'm a boy, and everyone knows that boys are way better than girls". I faked being hurt and hold my hand against my heart "ouch Georgie, that hurts really much. You know that's really sexist right?" he laughed, and put his arm around me. Damn, my butterflies are going crazy, I believe they're turning into elephants. We walked together to the great hall and when I got there I saw Hermione, Cassidy, Fred and Lee. I sat down next to Fred and then George sat next to me and he still had his arm around me. I sat across from Hermione and Cassidy, I looked at them and they winked at me with a smirk just like Fred and Lee, but Oliver looked mad for some kind of reason. Oh god, please don't say something to Harry and Max otherwise they'll kill George, and me and then George again. We ate and then it was time to go to quiditch practice, my first quiditch practice and I was a bit nervous. It all went pretty well and I didn't hurt myself or other people so that's good I think. We trained for three whole hours and Oliver was screaming at everyone, but mostly at George. Seriously, what's his problem? When we came back to the common room I was so tired that I hugged everybody good night and went to bed to sleep.

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