Chapter 6: the Troll

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~the next day~
I got Charms with professor Flitwick, I like him. He's a nice teacher, we need to do the 'Wingardium Leviosa' spell with a feather. I sat next to the boy named Seamus, he's Irish but hardly anyone can understands what he says. Max sat next to Harry, Cassidy next to Neville and Ron sat next to Hermione. Wow, best pairing ever. We needed to first repeat the spell without a wand, it went okay. But I didn't get any clue from what Seamus just said, then we needed to try it with the feather. "Okay Seamus, shall I go first. Or would you want to go first?" I understand something like 'You can go first', so I did. I said the spell "Wingardium Leviosa", it began to rise and professor Flitwick said "good job, good job. Look Sophie got the feather up in the air, amazing". "Do you want to do it now?" "Yes, thanks". He said the spell and it exploded, he looked at me and we both began laughing real hard. Then I said "professor, I think we need a new feather", at which Seamus laughed at too. I saw that Harry and Max got it in the air too, Cassidy got it too but Neville let the feather explode also. I turned to Cassidy because she sat in a booth next to us, and I whispered "Hey, how did it go" "It went well, only Neville's feather exploded" I was waiting till she would snap at him like Mione but she said "It was so awesome, I like exploding things". Damn, I like this girl already. Then I looked to Hermione and Ron, Ron couldn't do it and then Hermione said "its Wingardium LevioSA and not Wingardium LevioSAR". I saw that Ron was pretty irritated when he looked at me, so I mouthed to him 'you're doing great'. He smiled and then Hermione's feather got in the air too, and professor Flitwick praised her too and she beamed. We left the class because it was time for lunch. I walked with Harry, Ron, Max and Seamus to the Great Hall. Yay, then I would see Fred and George again. I was so excited to see them that I was running to the hall and the others didn't feel like running so they just walked, I saved a seat for Hermione. The twins weren't here, but they would be coming soon. Eventually they came and they sat in front of me, I immediately hugged them both "damn, those lessons are long." "yeah, we know. Aw, someone couldn't wait to see her favourite twins again could she?" "Hahaha, very funny guys but don't flatter yourselves". But then Max jumped into the conversation and said "Oh yeah, You must have seen her. She was so jumpy, she even ran the whole way to the Great Hall. And we all know that if she runs that there must be something wrong, like that something's chasing her. If she runs hell has been freezed over." "Wow, thanks bro. Yeah, I can feel the love" I said sarcastically. We were just eating in peace, but I didn't saw Hermione anywhere so I asked them "Hey, have you guys seen Hermione?" They didn't answer, but I looked to Max because I know that he cant lie. So I asked him "Max did you see Hermione?" "Well yes, I have seen her" but he looked guilty so something's not right. I narrowed my eyes and said "Max, what did you guys do?" "well its not like we did anything, it was mostly Ron". "Okay then, Ron what did you do?" "well I might have said that's she's a know it all, you know when she said like its LevioSA not LevioSAR. And then I have maybe said that because of that she doesn't have any friends. He finished real quietly, but I could hear him properly. "YOU DID WHAT, RON WEASLEY YOU'RE THE BIGGEST BLOODY GIT THAT HAS EVER SET FOOT ON THIS EARTH!" he was really scared and the whole hall has been paying attention to what I was saying. Then I saw Lavender the girl who I share a dorm room with. "Hey, Lavender do you know where Hermione is?" "yes, someone said that she's crying in the girls bathroom on the first floor." "Okay thanks" "your welcome". When I wanted to go, professor Quirrell came in and said "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know". And then he collapsed to the floor. Seriously, now is not a good time. Holy shit, wait Hermione doesn't know. Everyone was screaming, then Dumbledore's voice boomed through the whole hall and everyone was silent. Then he said "prefects will lead students back to their dormitories." The Slytherin house was extremely scared, especially Draco. Oh yeah hahaha, the Slytherin dorm is in the dungeons. Oh right, Hermione. I ran to the girls bathroom, on the first floor. Then I went inside and knocked on her toilet booth. And then Cassidy came by and stood next to me, I smiled at her and said "Hermione, please come out. Who cares what Ron says, he's an idiot. Your amazing just the way you are, you don't need to change. Think about my speech in the begin of the year, do you still remember Malfoy's face? It was amazing, I will do anything if you come out of the toilet okay? I will punch him in the face, I will hex him, I don't care. But it doesn't matter what he says okay, I will always be your friend. Always, even if you are so sick of me that you want to kill me from annoyance. Then I will still be there probably as a ghost, because that's what best friends are for and I'm not that easy to get rid of and Cassidy will be here too." "Do you mean that?" "of course I mean that, will you come out of that toilet now?" "Hermione, Cassidy here. Ron is just a bloody git, don't listen to him. Listen to us because we're freaking awesome. And you're freaking awesome too. So just come out of the stall because it stinks in here." She laughed a bit, "yes, I'm coming". "Yes, I knew it. Nobody can resist me". She laughed and I was happy that I could make my best friend happy. "You know Soph, you and Cassidy are my best friends too" she said while she came out of the stall. "Haha, yes I knew it. Victory". Cassidy and I said while high fiving. She laughed more and then I heard a weird noise, when I turned around I saw the troll. Damn it was disgusting, it saw us and it wanted to kill us. So I grabbed Hermione and Cassidy and we ducked under the sink. Then Harry and Ron came in. Then I said "oh yeah, I almost forgot there's a troll lose in the school". They all looked at me like I was crazy and rolled their eyes, great I can feel the love. "Alright we need to distract it, I got an idea. Hermione, Cassidy stay under the sink okay?" She nodded yes and then I ran to the troll at full speed, it was confused as why I would run straight to him and I jumped on his arm. This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever done, then I jumped on his head and said "if you want to get me you need to be a lot more smarter and faster" and I put my wand in his nose. Cassidy wanted to help and she began to throw stuff at him, "Go Cassidy, annoy him like crazy". He got mad and confused and tried to shake me off, then Hermione screamed to Ron "Ron, use the wingarium leviosa. Swish and flick, just like in class." He said it and the Club floated in the air, I jumped of his back and on the ground and Cassidy stopped throwing things. The troll stood still confused, how simple is it to confuse a troll. Then Ron let it drop and it fell on the head of the troll who fell to the ground unconscious, it was really funny. But unfortunately my wand was still in his nose, so I took my wand and Max was so sweet for me to clean it with his robes. Then the teachers came in, professor McGonagall, professor Snape and professor Quirrell. I saw that professor Snape had a bite wound on his leg, Harry saw it too and he saw we were looking so he put his cloak in front of his leg. "What is going on here misters Potter, Weasley and misses Potter, Lemon and Granger?" then Hermione started to speak "I'm sorry professor, but it was my fault." I tried to but in "what no, it wasn't her fault" but she cut me off "no, Sophie its really sweet of you to take the blame on you. But it was me, you see I heard there was a troll in the school. And I read about it in a book and I thought I could handle it alone, and then Sophie, Cassidy, Max, Harry and Ron came. If it wasn't for them I would be dead now". "I'm very disappointed in you Mrs. Granger. So I will take 5 point from Gryffindor and you 5 will all receive 5 point each for shared dumb luck. And now everybody back to bed". "Yes professor" we all chorused. When we were walking to the common room Harry said "Guys, did you see the bite on professor Snape's leg?". "Yeah I saw it too, you don't think that he's the one who want to steal the stone?" I asked him. "That's exactly what I'm saying, I think Snape let the troll in as a distraction so he could take the stone and give it to Voldemort." "Harry, I know that you don't like Snape but I think that it's Quirrell who wants to try to steal the stone. I don't trust him, he's very creepy". "Yes, I think it's Quirrell too, he is creeping me out. Very very very much, he's like the creepiness itself. And that's not cool, that's my thing." Cassidy said while pouting, "Aw, thanks. And I know that it's your thing, but don't be sad. When I know what's wrong with him you will be the creepy one again. Otherwise it won't fit, you're the creepy one. I'm the crazy one and Hermione is the responsible one". "Yes that's true, damn we need to be best friends for ever" Cassidy said. "Yes, we seriously need to be friends for ever" I said and Hermione nodded while smiling". When we came through the portrait I immediately were hugged by two people. I didn't even have to look to know that its Fred and George. "OMG Sophie, we were so worried about you. Don't EVER do that to us again, do you understand?" "yes I do". "Great, we swear that if you do this one more time we will get a rope and tie it to your and our hand so we don't loose you again". I wanted to laugh but I saw how serious they were so I didn't. "yes, I swear that I don't go wander around alone again". Then they were glad, but I hugged them again. Just because I missed my twins, and then when I released them I said to them "I guess I passed the test, didn't I. I mean I fought a troll so I passed?". They laughed real loud, Lee and Cassidy did too. And everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. But we probably are, no I know we are. Wait Lee, I didn't see him since lunch. I went to him and hugged him too "hey Lee, I missed you. The last time I saw you was at lunch" I pouted to him. He chuckled and said "yeah I know, it was a long time. How did you survive without me?". "Oh that was simple, but the big question is how did you survive without me?" I said to him. I heard a lot of "ooh's" and "burn". It was really funny, but McGonagall sent us to bed. So I went to Harry and Max and hugged them and said "sweet dreams big bro, and sweet dreams little bro" "sweet dreams Sophie" they said to me. Then I went to Ron and hugged him and said "sweet dreams Ron" he said it too, well with my name of course otherwise it would be crazy. Then I went to Hermione and Cassidy and did the same, then Lee and last but not least I went to Fred and George. First I hugged Fred and said "sweet dreams Freddie", he hugged me too and he ruffled my hair. Then he said "you sweet dreams too kiddo". "seriously kiddo, I'm only two years younger than you." He laughed and went upstairs and then I hugged George and said "sweet dreams Georgie" and kissed him on his cheek. He went a little pink at the top of his ears, he hugged me back and said "sweet dreams, may your dreams be filled with me". I blushed a bit, but he had his mouth still at my ear so he didn't see it luckily. "Hahaha, you give yourself too much credit Georgie. See you tomorrow" "yeah, see you tomorrow" he said and I gave him another kiss on the cheek and went to bed. I put on my pyjama's and slept peacefully that night, with dreams filled of George.

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