Poems and shizz

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  • Dedicated to A Loved One That Died

When you died

A life was taken,

A purpose was given,

You were taken,

I was lost.

You were so strong,

When I gave up.

You wanted to do things,

But now you can't.

Here is my vow,

What I promise to you

Everything you wanted to do:

I promise to kiss a boy at midnight,

Get a tattoo as soon as I'm 18,

Live everyday like it's my last,

Keep moving forward and not stay in the past,

Fall in love with words he says,

Never lose faith when you fear the world ends.

There is so much more I wish I could do,

But we both know that they're illegal too.

You came into my life like a raging fire,

Now you're gone, you can no longer inspire.

I wish you were here to make everything better,

But you're in a place with white wings and long feathers.

I know your halo is shining bright,

You're the new star I see at night.

The times we shared can never be replaced,

In my mind I see your smiling face.

My Lexi I love you more than anything,

So here's to you my dear sweet girl,

May your soul live on with the rest of the world.

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