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"Oh Paul..." John groaned tossing and turning in the bed. "Paul...stop." John was interrupted by his dream with a smack across his face. He rubbed his cheek and glared at the angry woman.

"What the hell was that for!" He shouted.

"You kept moaning Paul's name! You deserved that." She sneered and laid the cucumbers back onto her eyes. "Get yourself together, John."

"I'll sleep in the guest room for tonight. We'll talk in the morning. Goodnight Yoko." He pecked her cheek then walked off. John felt his groin and sighed. A hard on? Really!? He shook his head as he made his way down the hall towards the room. He climbed into the bed and stared dazed at the celling. He wondered what Paul has been doing. For the adrenaline he decided to ring Paul McCartney at 3:00 in the morning.

"Paul McCartney speaking."

"Why are you so polite? It gives you this misleading innocent feel."


"Yours truly, Macca."

"Don't start with the nicknames." He said in a dangerous tone. "Why ya ring anyways?"

"Ok James-" He waited until he heard a scoff from Paul. Then continued. "I've got a hard on for you. I kicked meself out of me and Yoko's room. Apparently I was moaning your name or something. Can't remember.." John rubbed his temples.

"And I thought you hated me." Paul said finally breaking the tension.

"I can still have wet dreams about people I hate."

"Goodbye John."

"Wait your just gonna leave me like that?"

"You mean the same you did with me?" Paul could hear a little yelp from John's end.

"I wasn't the one who married that American then decided to run off to Scotland."

"I wasn't the one who's their best mates first call was to tell em' he's got a hard on."

"I was just simply telling you-"

"4 months, John. Since our last call."

"Who's keeping track?" John inquired.

"Your horrible." Paul's voice strained and tore at hearing John say that. "Absolutely terrible. How did I ever love someone like you?"

"I don't know. I-I have been busy." He stuttered. John bit down hard on his hand trying not to cry.

"I'm lost." Paul was now full on sobbing into the phone. His words slurring. "I'm pushing Linda over the edge. I beat myself up too many times for the break up. Physically and mentally." John stopped for a moment and though about what to say. If he could talk about how he has been it would've been nowhere near as bad as Paul's was.

"I love you still." John whispered into the phone. He wasn't fast to react when Yoko tore the phone cord in front of his eyes. He grasped at the cord and found it completely sawed. The line was dead, too.

"Why would you do that!" John whimpered.

"Paul doesn't want you back. He just wants someone to tell his problems too!" She shouted and it made him flinch. She usually didn't act like this only when Paul was involved.

"Get out! Get the hell out!" He pointed a finger and Yoko stormed out. He knew that her words would drift in his mind for a day or two. The words would eat him inside out. He knew because the last phone call he had with Paul.

"I thought it be too soon to ring." John chuckled.

"Never. I hope we keep in contact. We can still be friends doesn't have to be awkward." Paul said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Good." John smirked. Now twirling the cord in his fingers.

"Are we ever going write together again?" Paul sounded a bit sad.

"It may not be for the best.. I have ought to get approval from Mother."

"Mother?" Paul asked.

"Yoko." John replied.

"Losing it already, huh?"

"It's just that when we're songwriting... Things happen between us and I think that's something both of us can't control."

"Is that coming from you or Yoko?" Paul bit his lip.

"Me. Your opinion of Mother is so biased."

"That's funny, John." Paul laughed.

"She's not that bad. It's just had to end between us."
"Shut it. If you weren't caught up on drugs with her you would be with me. You bloody know it."
"You and Linda?" John sneered.
"Ohhh shut up!"

"Goodbye Paul."
"Yeah. Hmm."
"I said goodbye Paul."
"I heard you."
"Love you." John whispered. Noticing how Yoko was standing by his side now.
"Hey! And you told me we couldn't songwrite." He scoffed. John hung up the phone and turned to Yoko greeting her with a hug.

"I was thinking about songwriting with Paul again sometime. Only if that is fine with you of course."

"It's been two months-"

"But it's been too long! I miss him. He is my best friend. I don't think you could keep me away from him long."

"Friends? I don't make out with my friends." She laughed at seeing John squirm.

"We all agreed on this. Linda was fed up and I was too. We all came to an agreement. You love me John, right?" John shook his head wildly.

"Then you'll understand."

He understood alright. 4 months later and one phone call caused this much ruckus in one night. As much as John wanted to call Paul back and see if he was okay. He couldn't help but feel lightheaded and drowsy. He slowly drifted away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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