Because within three and a half minutes, Hoseok was fast asleep and snoring softly on the ground.

The blonde stood there, unsure and fidgeting with the hem of his cotton patient gown. He didn't want the brunette to catch a cold. 

So he leaned down on his knees and placed a hand on the back of Hoseok's hot neck and the small of his back. He hoisted him up slowly, surprised at the light weight and the ribs poking him.

Hoseok was smaller and weaker than he looked.

It wasn't just the dark circles that were plastered permanently beneath Hoseok's eyes like Yoongi's tattoos. It was the translucent skin around Hoseok's neck, the protruding green veins that swam across his delicate looking feet, and the ribs that felt so noticeable as his sleeping body was pressed against Yoongi's.

The older placed him carefully on the bed. He lifted the covers to his slightly quivering body and shifted the pillow comfortably for him. 

The sunlight trickled in again through the half open curtains and Yoongi swore Hoseok was glowing. His hair were like fresh flowers, the only part of him with normal colour. The straight bridge of his nose that was nestled so perfectly in between those high cheekbones made Yoongi's fingers itch to trace his finger along them.

The blonde stopped himself when his own hands started to become warm. 

He exhaled and turned away, checking the time on the clock. There was still half an hour before the nurse would come in and declare breakfast. Yoongi sat on the foot of Hoseok's bed, eyes wandering over the younger's messy nightstand.

A box of tissues, three black pens, a few magazines of home decor and an album, Yoongi couldn't pinpoint what exactly were the sleeping male's interests. Underneath the box of tissues were a few crumpled papers and Yoongi decided that Hoseok must've forgotten to dispose of them.

The older fetched the papers from underneath the box and crumpled them more into his fist. Before his whole fist uncurled around it, he felt something hard stashed in between the papers. He unfolded the papers, doodles of stars and planets on them.

In the centre of the two papers, was a paper heart.  

And written messily on it was;


The blonde's cheeks reddened when he saw his name. 

He didn't know whether to put the papers back or throw them away. He opted for a more safer route, putting back the papers as if they were never touched in the first place.

He didn't want to let his mind wander with ridiculous speculations, but his name was written on a heart. 

'But Hoseok was probably having a hard time remembering my name so that's wh--'

Yoongi uncurled the paper one last time to test if it was a delusion or something, but it wasn't because sure enough, there was his name.

This time, he looked carefully at the doodles on the pages covering it. There were more intricate sketches of stars and planets, with labels and arrows and words.

In the corner of the page, in black ink, there were the words; 

I can't wish

Yoongi felt his heart sink.

There was obviously something much more going on with this brunette.

'But what? '

The translucent skin, the protruding rib cages, the feverish skin, the headaches. Number of diseases and syndromes added up to those symptoms. Yoongi didn't feel right in asking Hoseok straightforwardly what was going on with him.

And this male had written that he couldn't wish. 

'That's painful.' 

And so, after staring at the stars and planets, Yoongi predicted that this Hoseok must really want to wish.

So he smoothed the paper, folding it swiftly in between his fingers,

into a star.

And he wrote on the side of the paper star,

now you can


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