Silver Brook Academy ~ Chp 3

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This is Xavier he's gonna be in this story a lot he's bisexual just to let y'all know!!!

Megan's POV
Starring out the window of my horses stall as Taylor complained about her horses biting habit.

"Please stop Taylor we have to concentrate."

I spoke as I walked Blue Yogurt out of his stall, "shut up my horse is misbehaving & it's all your fault."

She yelled as I started grooming Blu, "how is it my fault you gave him to medicine, "I want him to win not loose that's what steroids are for."

She spoke "excuse me did I just hear the word steroids" Mrs. Sky asked as she came walking up to Taylor.

"Young lady did you drug your horse so he would hopefully perform well today?"

I smirked then walked away with my horse I was up.

Cat's POV
I was getting Chase ready when I over heard the commotion about Taylor drugging her horse.

It made me smile I felt bad for her horse Romeo but I smiled anyways, "you ready to show them what your made of boy?"

I question as I finished tacking him up.

He nickered & raised his head high like a giraffe, "please put your head down I have to brush your teeth."

I joked but seriously I had to brush his teeth.

Once his teach were brushed & he was all tacked up I mounted and walked off to find Abigail.

"Abigail good luck I know you can do just have fun" I yelled as she walked Chip out. I hope she makes varsity.

I mean I don't know if I'll make varsity but if we both make it then it will be even more fun.

(30 minutes later)

I was waiting for Abigail to come back when she did she had tears running down her face, "I sucked."

She cried as she dismounted Chip Anthem "what do you mean you sucked" I asked as I controlled Chase.

"Chip tripped before a jump & everything went bad after that, have fun on a team seriously have fun I'll see you in the cafe."

She spoke before walking off, looking down at the reins that were in the palm of my hand.

"Good luck Chase let's go show them what a true team is made of" I spoke before kissing the tip of his head.

"Next we have Cat Fredrick riding Rising Storm who's stable name is Chase, whenever your ready Ms. Fredrick."

Let's do this boy."

Walking chase into the large air conditioned arena, where the air was cool & my nervous where gone.

Trotting around the arena as we came up to the first jump, which was a simple obstacle they got more advanced on the way.

Spring over that like a fly I smiled as the second jump was right after the first one.

The arena was silent as the students watched & the trainers eyes me & my position & Chase's strides.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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