Chapter 3

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Jason's POV

Emily parked in a empty parking spot acrossed from the woods that leads to the grave yard. My mother and father are buried. "Who's are buried here that is related to you?" Emily asked as we started walking through the woods. There wasn't any path of some sort there were only rocks trees and wild plants. I help her over a big rock and then I answered. I took in a deeo sigh. "My mother and father." I finally said. She gasped "I am so sorry!" She said I didn't reply. I heard her scream and I quickly turned around. She slipped and hit her knee.

She rolled up her one pant leg and looked at the mark. Blood was flowing, but not too bad. "Ohh. Would you look at that." She said. She was perfectly calm about it. But I sure wasn't. My vampire sense started. No no no I can't feed off of human blood. Especially Emily. I kept thinking. I caught Emily gawking at me. "Jason...are you okay? What's happening?" She asked in a worried tone. I couldn't tell her. I used my vampire speed at vanished into midair. I quickly ran. Ran away far from her. As I slowed down I started to walk again. 

"I just can't tell her." I told myself. I pictured her in my mind. Beautiful dark brown eyes, medium legnth brown hair, tall, smooth skin, she's flawless She reminds me of Katherine so much. Katherine was mine and my brother, Kellan's, lover. She is the one who changed me. And I changed my brother. Each and every day I regret that. He is the bad brother as I am the good brother. Katherine is my worst nightmare now. And now she has a doppelganger, Emily. 

I can't let that effect how I love a girl who looks like Katherine, though. I got home and got out a book. Inside had a picture of Katherine. I compared it to Emily. Exact twins. Katherine is now locked up somewhere. Thin smog approached me in my room. That was a sign of my brother, Kellan. I quickly placed the book back and turned around. I was right, Kellan was by the window. "" He said sarcastically with a fake smile. He walk over towards me. "Back again to live another year in highschool? What is it? Your 100th time?" He said with a chuckle.

I stood there and watched him be..Kellan. "I'm here to act normal, to be away from you." I said sharply. He stopped laughing. "Youre a VAMPIRE you can't 'act normal'. Nor can you be away from it. I saw how you reacted around the doppelganger, Emily. You can't run or hide, baby brother." He said.  Every thing in my life he ruined. Everything.  "Are you going to the bonfire, Jason? Since you want to be normal.." Kellan sharply said. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Emily's diary. I forgot I grabbed it when she fell. 

Maybe when I return it tonight I can ask if she'll go. "No." I said. He grinned. "Lay off the girl, brother, you don't want to make the same mistake likek  you did with Katherina. Remember. I always get the girl." He said. Then he vanished. I through a glass vase at the window he was at. I am not letting him ruin my chance with a girl this time. No matter what troubles I have to go through. I took a deep breathe and grabbed her diary. Then I made my way to her house.

The ChangesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora