Interview with CrestFallenStar

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Interviewer: Belle_Books05 

Welcome Vongola and thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview! We're excited to be asking you questions, since you're an incredible writer as well as an inspiring person! So a few of your books have some dark elements to them that we love, especially Warrior's Lullaby and Xuanlong, Steel and Fang! Would you mind giving us a pitch or a one-liner for those two books for those of our readers who are unfamiliar with them?

Xuanlong: Lihua is married off to a poor soldier who has nothing to offer her, and yet he strives for something great.

Warrior's Lullaby: Hemera, a whore, is nothing but a pleasure tool, and yet a certain foreigner asks her to sing him a song.

Ahh, those two books are among my favorites on Wattpad, along with Drakkon and Daemonium XD I especially love how all four of them take place in the same world! So if you had to pick, which empire would you live in and why?

Hm. There's a lot of other areas in my world I haven't shared with my readers yet but going off of what has already been posted, probably the Huo Empire because it's like ancient China.

Your Asian influence is one of the many charms of your books! Speaking of which, what is it about Asian fantasy that appeals to you? Has it always interested you or was it something that sparked one day?

Nothing particular about Asian culture and history, in all honesty. I'm a history fanatic in general, so my entire world has influences from different countries and time periods throughout history. However, I've only posted some stories that I've written on here, which so happened to be the stories written with an Asian influence. My other stories that I've written, but haven't posted, are about different areas with different focal points with influences from different cultures.

Though, on a sidenote, Asian culture has always interested me a little bit more than European because it's not as common as European kings and queens and whatnot.

Interesting. The different dynasties and culture are pretty amazing! The names you choose as well reflect on the culture. In general or just for your Asian-based stories, how do you come up with your characters' names and do they have meaning? Is there any meaning behind the names of the empires as well?

Depending on what region in my story I'm writing about, I choose the names from whatever era/area that it's based from. For example, the Huo Empire is based off Ancient China, so the characters have Chinese names. For the names, I look through many names and meaning and decide which name fits each character.

Usually, I feel like the character chooses its own name. LOL. I know, I know, that sounds crazy. BUT, there have been many times where I'm like "This is a pretty name", but when I think of pairing it with a certain character, it's like NAH, THIS DOESN'T FIT. Or sometimes I just know that a certain character's name has to start with a __ letter. For example, I just knew that Drakkon Meilin's name HAD TO START WITH THE LETTER M. I don't know, but he just had to have a name with an M!

As for the names of the empire, it's kind of embarrassing but I chose Huo Empire because Huo means Fire. (I LAUGHED IN MY HEAD FOR SO LONG BECAUSE IT MEANS FIRE EMPIRE.) Not many have caught that on.

Ahh so relatable CX Choosing names is stressful and so much fun at the same time because of that. I love that feeling when you're scrolling through names and you read one and all of a sudden it's like "THAT'S THE ONE!" Speaking of characters, which one is the hardest for you to write and which one is the most relatable for you/flows out naturally for you?

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