Chapter 3

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"Chloe!" Beca called from the bathroom.
"What?!" Chloe yelled back, walking towards the bathroom door.
"Have you got any pads with you? I kinda ran out." Beca awkwardly spoke.
Chloe giggled "Yeah hang on." She shook her head and grabbed her bag. She tipped it upside down and emptied it out before grabbing a few spare sanitary towels. She then put all her stuff back in her bag and slowly walked back over to the door and slid them underneath.
"Thank you!" Beca replied.
"Anytime." The redhead laughed and jumped onto her bed, grabbing her phone from her pillow.

Beca appeared from the bathroom a few minutes later, with her signature 'hormonal look' on her face.
"You're such a kid." Chloe giggled and stared at Beca.
"How?" Beca walked over to her own bed and sat crossed legged.
"You don't use tampons." Chloe smirked and grabbed one from her bag.
"I'm not having this conversation with you." Beca grouched and lay back.
The red head raised her eyebrow and quietly opened the tampon.
She looked at Beca and got off the bed, walking into the kitchen she smiled to herself.
She grabbed a cup and filled it with water before placing the tampon in the water, watching it expand.

Chloe took the string and pulled the tampon out before running over to Beca and throwing it in her face.
"Chloe!!" Beca shrieked and jumped up.
Chloe just laughed, trying to control herself.
"Dude!" Beca groaned, picking it up by the string with her thumb and index finger before throwing it back at Chloe, hitting her in the face.

"It's not used." Chloe laughed and wiped the water off her face.
"I'd rather hang out with Aubrey and have my throat slit than hang out with you and get tamponed." The brunette growled.
"God forbid your future girlfriend." Chloe chuckled and threw the tampon into the bin.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Beca squeaked, glaring at Chloe.
"Nothing." She smiled.

Just then Beca's phone began ringing.
"Blonde bitch." Chloe read as she grabbed Beca's phone, raising her eyebrow as she realised who it was .
"Give it here." The brunette snapped, taking her phone off Chloe and hitting decline.
"What if it was important." The red head stated, quickly grabbing Beca's phone and calling Aubrey back.
"Dude!" Beca growled and tried reaching for her phone.
Chloe smiled and placed the phone to her ear, reaching out with her spare hand to stop Beca.

"Nope, this is Chloe."
"Oh hey Chlo. Is Beca in?"
"Yes, she's right here." Chloe smirked and shoved the phone in Beca's face.
Beca raised her middle finger at Chloe, placing the phone to her ear.

"This is Beca." The brunette sighed.
"Beca, hi. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me. I want to speak to you, in person and I thought we could see a movie, to blow some spare time."
"Thanks, blondie. But I'm not interested." Beca replied.
"Please Beca, I really need to talk to you."
Beca paused for a minute and looked at her watch.
"Fine, what time." She internally cursed herself and looked at Chloe.
"Whenever you want."
"I'll be at yours in 10." Beca replied before hanging up, not wanting to hear Aubrey's response.

"Looks like someone's got a new bestie." Chloe teased, watching as Beca got off her bed.
"Shut up. Sometimes I wish you weren't my room mate." The younger girl through her pillow at Chloe before running into the bathroom.
"Whatever." The red head rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys.
"Have fun with Aubrey, I'm going to Amy's. I've gotta help her with choreography." She called as she grabbed her coat and left.


"I just wanted to apologise. For things I said this morning. I didn't mean any of it, I don't know why I said it." Aubrey apologised as the two walked down the high street.
"You're actually apologising? Wow Posen." Beca raised an eyebrow and looked at Aubrey.
"Cut it out. I'm trying to be nice here." Aubrey glared at Beca.
"Right, sorry. But why say those things. About me and Jesse?" Beca questioned, looking at the ground as they walked.
"I don't know, I guess I was... Jealous." The blonde replied, walking up to a park bench and sitting down.

"Jealous? Of what?" Beca asked, a little surprised.
"You. You're perfect. Your voice is amazing, your beautiful and you're just perfect at everything." Aubrey fiddled with her fingers.
The brunettes eyes widened as she sat down next to Aubrey.
"I'm not perfect." She said quietly.
Aubrey rolled her eyes slightly and looked at Beca.
"I may be good at things but I'm not perfect. Don't be jealous of a DJ wannabe." Beca smiled a little, looking at Aubrey's face.

The blonde nodded.
"Let's go see this movie." The brunette winked and stood up, holding her hand out.
Aubrey smiled and took the younger girl's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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