Chapter 2

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"Beca wait up!" Chloe called after the brunette as she followed her out the gym.
"Chloe, I've got better things to do." Beca scowled, turning around.

"Just come get coffee with me, please." Chloe whined.
"Beca!" Chloe whined again.
"I said no!" Beca replied, turning around to leave.
Chloe grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Pleaseeeeee!!!" The ginger stuck out her bottom lip.

Beca rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air.
Chloe squealed and grabbed the brunettes hand before dragging the younger girl out of Barden.

The smaller brunette groaned as the two girls reached the coffee shop.
"You're so grouchy today." Chloe smirked as she sat down at a booth.
Beca glanced at Chloe and glared before sitting in the seat opposite her.
"More than usual." Chloe added.

Beca rolled her eyes and got out of her seat.
"Where are you going?" Chloe questioned.
"To get coffee? That's why we're here, dumbass." Beca scoffed and joined the queue.

Chloe raised an eyebrow and shook her head before pulling out her phone. She switched it on and began checking her Instagram notifications.
She looked up from her phone and saw that Beca was still in the queue. She looked back at her phone and typed in Becas Instagram before scrolling through the brunettes feed, double- tapping everything.

Beca slowly joined Chloe at the table with her latte in her right hand and her phone in her left hand.
"Thanks for the spam." Beca smiled sarcastically as she sat down.
"Anytime." Chloe smirked.

"So why are we really here?" Beca asked.
"What do you mean?" Chloe furrowed her brow and stared at the smaller girl.
"Me and you both know you didn't invite me out for coffee." Beca raised an eyebrow at the red head.

"Fine, you got me." Chloe smirked.

"I knew it. So tell me, Beale, what's going on?"

"Me and Aubrey had an arguement this morning, before rehearsals. She wanted to kick you out of the group, but I defended you. I said that you were the reason why we got better. She called you a dyke and some other mean things." Chloe spoke softly, not wanting to hurt the girls feelings.

Beca just stared at her, she knew Aubrey hated her. And to be honest, she wasn't too fond of the blonde girl either.

"Well, thanks for defending me Chlo. She really wants me out huh." The brunette sat back in her chair and fiddled her fingers.

"You're not going anywhere. Aubrey can be a little... uptight but she doesn't mean any of it." Chloe smiled and moved her hands over Beca's, stopping the brunette from playing with her fingers.

Beca looked up at her and smiled back.


"Beca, a word please." Aubrey called as everyone left the auditorium.
Beca rolled her eyes and spun on her heel, facing the blonde.

"You know you'll have to take those ear montrosities out for the fall mixer." Aubrey grinned, pointing at Beca's piercings.

"You really don't like me, do you?" The brunette smiled, watching as Chloe shifted next to Aubrey.

"I know you have a toner, for Jesse." The blonde's face fell.

"A what?!" Beca replied.

"A musical boner, I saw it at hood night. It's distracting." Aubrey raised an eyebrow.

"One, I'm not into guys. Two, Jesse is my best friend and three, it's not your problem." Beca scoffed and turned to leave.

"I can see your toner through those jeans!!" Aubrey called, watching Beca walk away.

The brunette spun around and smirked.
"That's my dick!" She called back before turning around and leaving the auditorium.

Chloe bit at her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing.
"She's so... ugh!" Aubrey threw her hands up and grabbed her bag.

"Give her a chance Bree. Seriously, don't be so hard on her." Chloe shrugged and followed Aubrey.

"I'm not hard on her!" Aubrey scowled.

Chloe shook her head and followed Aubrey out of the auditorium.

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